By  Computer Science

About Nate:
I'm a graduating BS CS student. I've greatly enjoyed being a part of the Meals on Wheels Capstone team this year, which gave us the ability to gain real-world experience and give back to the Charlottesville community. I've TA'd for CS 2150 for two years, and I'll be joining Amazon as a Software Development Engineer this fall. Some fun facts about me are that I've learned to scuba dive while at UVA, and I've been to Utah three times with the Outdoors Club!
What has kept Nate motivated:
This pandemic has been challenging for all of us. I tried to remember the hard work that I have put in during these four years and wanted to finish strong. The most challenging part has been the lack of closure -- the graduation parties I wasn't able to attend, the friends I wasn't able to say goodbye to. Maintaining close contact with my friends through Zoom and spending time with my family has been a vital part of my coping strategy, and I've picked up a few new hobbies as well.