By  Link Lab

Gabby Ringer, class of 2021, is a native of Mechanicsville, Virginia. She is a fourth-year who is double majoring in media studies and women, gender, and sexuality studies. Gabby has been helping faculty and graduate students in the Link Lab, as a front desk assistant, since it opened in the beginning of 2018.What brings the most joy in your life?
My family and friends are the most important things in my life. I also derive a lot of joy from movies and television (especially when watching with people I love). I'm on a real Survivor kick right now and that has brought me a lot of joy over the last couple of months during the pandemic. I also love to cook and bake bread.
What three words have described your life in the past year?
Turbulent, introspective, supportive
What kind of project have you worked on while at the Link Lab?
In the Link Lab I mostly worked at the front desk scheduling meetings, doing administrative tasks, and helping out with the events that the Lab would have. Since the pandemic happened and the Lab staff went fully online, I have been working on the Humans of the Link Lab project. I started this project in hopes of showing not only the incredible work happening at the Lab, but also the wonderful people who inhabit it.
Humans of Link Lab is a new initiative of UVA's Link Lab to exhibit the interesting people who work in the space and their passions both inside and outside of the Lab. To see more content, connect with us on Instagram (@linklabatuva), Twitter (@UVALinkLab), and LinkedIn (UVA Engineering Link Lab).