CS News Briefs

Read the latest news briefs from and about students and faculty in the UVA Computer Science Department.

  • 2021 CS John A. Stankovic Graduate Research Award Winner: Tianlu Wang

    About Tianlu:
    I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science. I am fortunate to work with my advisor, Prof. Vicente Ordóñez Román. Before coming to UVA, I obtained my bachelor's degree in computer science from Zhejiang University, China. I received a Best Paper Award at EMNLP 2017. I have a broad interest in exploring topics concerning fairness, robustness, and accountability in machine learning models, especially in computer vision and natural language processing systems.

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  • 2021 CS Graduate Service Award Winner: Yasunari Kato

    About Yasunari:
    I am a first year Computer Science Masters student, focusing on Computer Architecture. I am currently doing research on Persistent Memory Errors under Professor Samira Khan. I am also currently the CSGSG Diversity Chair.
    When not focusing on my studies, I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, Ultimate Frisbee, and snowboarding. I also like spending my time playing popular board games such as Settlers of Catan and Avalon.

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  • 2021 CS Graduate Service Award Winner: Xida Ren

    About Xida:

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  • 2021 CS Graduate Teaching Award Winner: Md Aashikur Rahman Azim

    About Aashikur:
    I am a third-year Computer Science Ph.D. student. I am advised by Dr. Seongkook Heo. My area of research is Human-Computer Interaction, especially wearable user interfaces and interactions. I received both Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I am a family man, spend most of the free time with family by visiting new places. I play indoor and outdoor sports- cricket, soccer, and table tennis, depending on the weather and situations.

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  • 2021 CS Graduate Teaching Award Winner: Fan Yao

    About Fan:

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  • 2021 CS Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Research Award Winner: Ethan Blaser

    About Ethan:

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  • 2021 CS Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Research Award Winner: Henry Carscadden

    About Henry:

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  • 2021 CS Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Research Award Winner: Sonali Luthar

    About Sonali:

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  • 2021 CS Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Research Award Winner: Jack Prescott

    About Jack:

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  • 2021 CS Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Research Award Winner: Zachary Yahn

    About Zachary:

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