MSE Undergraduate Courses

Explore below to learn more about our MSE undergraduate courses...

Materials Science?

  • Could we, and should we, make a bridge out of glass?
  • Why can we write with graphite, but not with diamond?  They’re both just carbon…
  • Airplanes are made of aluminum. Why aren’t cars?

Materials are used to construct every technology used by our society, spanning the seemingly mundane materials like steel, concrete and plastic, to sophisticated materials like silicon, carbon nanotubes and light-emitting polymers.  But what science underlies the making and the design of these materials?  While physics and chemistry are important, Materials Science looks into a different and unique place — the microstructure –of a material.  In this course, you will learn how the properties of a material are influenced by its underlying structure, and how we can control this structure using processing.  By the end of the course, you will see your smart phone, your car, your home, and your world, through different eyes.

Today, over 160,000 materials exist, and we interact with a wide range of them every day without giving a second thought to how they work. Materials Science provides us with a framework to understand how materials work and how we can control the various properties that make them useful to us. It is a mash-up of physics, chemistry, and mathematics that produces the materials that enable every physical structure we use.

Pre-Requisite:  None

MSE 2090 Syllabus/McDonnell

MSE 2090 Syllabus/Kelly

Professor: Varies

This course opened my eyes to a very interesting field and taught me many concepts that will be very useful in my later years here at UVA. Even though this course was difficult because of the complex topics the class managed to keep my interest the entire time and with all the available help it allowed me to learn many concepts that I originally did not understand at all. 

MSE 2090 has been the most interesting course I have taken in the past few years. I truly appreciate the opportunity to have passionate professors who care about what they teach as well as our understanding of the concepts. For instance, all of the instructors hold office hours throughout the week, making it easy to get additional support outside of class. Although I personally find the content challenging, I have really enjoyed learning about completely novel topics in a very detailed manner. 


Materials are valuable to us when they serve a useful purpose - they carry, they contain, they conduct, they transmit, they resist, they compute, they adorn, they save, and yes, they kill. How well a material performs in YOUR application depends on its relevant properties. Materials properties are a bit like human behaviors: they vary greatly from material to material, and in an individual material, they can be modified and improved, albeit with effort.  How do we do that? And how do we accurately measure what we've done? That's what MSI: Properties is all about. This is your opportunity to measure key properties in common and important materials. You will also get to change the internal structure of your materials, to see firsthand how the properties depend on structure. This will deepen your appreciation of the process-structure-properties design paradigm of Materials Science. MSI:P will help you become: a better experimentalist and observationalist, a thoughtful interpreter of data, and a more confident communicator of your accomplishments.  

Pre- or Co-Requisite: MSE 2090 Introduction to MSE

MSE 2101 Syllabus

Professor Jerry Floro 

MSE 2101 not only offered me an opportunity to familiarize myself with tools and techniques used for materials properties but also fostered an environment where I grew my scientific writing and presentation skills. It is a class that deeply cultivates students' growth as professionals and future materials leaders. Anisha Jarang, MSE Major

students in lab

I liked getting to know my MSE classmates in 2101 progressively during each lab. Being a small major, you get to learn about everyone's interests and passions while working in the lab and gain new perspectives on an MSE career from the TAs and professors. Adrian Motas, MSE Major

lab equipment


In MSE 2090 you learned about materials phases, crystal structures, and microstructures. You might have asked the following questions after that course: How do we know the atoms sit in those locations? How do we know that this material is this phase? How do we know that grains exist and what grain sizes are? In MSE 3101 we answer those questions and more. This hands-on laboratory course will teach you how to observe different phases and grains using a light microscope. It will teach you how to use an electron microscope to identify regions with different phases and even smaller microstructure features than you can see with light. You will learn how an electron microscope can be used to tell you the elements that comprise a material. Finally, you will learn how X-rays can be used to identify phases, where the atoms sit in a crystal, and even tell you what fractions of a material are different phases. Armed with this knowledge, this course will allow you to use all these tools to investigate an object and determine what materials are within, how it was made, and why those materials were selected for the given application.

Pre-Requisite: MSE 2090 Introduction to MSE

MSE 3101 Syllabus

Professor Jon Ihlefeld

Thermodynamics tells you why a process should happen, and kinetics tells you how. In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding about the mechanism and rate of phase transformation, one of the most beautiful phenomena in the world of MSE. This course is a great synthesis of MSE core subjects: crystal structure, thermodynamics, and defects.
This course will cover three main topics: 1) chemical reaction kinetics, 2) diffusion (mass transport), 3) phase transformation and microstructure evolution. We will build on the understanding of thermodynamic driving forces and of phase diagrams you developed in MSE 3050 and apply these concepts to the analysis of the key kinetic processes, phase transformations, and the development of microstructure in materials. We will start by discussing chemical reaction kinetics in the gas phase. Most kinetic phenomena in condensed matter involve diffusion, and we will consider the phenomenological descriptions as well as atomic-scale mechanisms of diffusion in materials. We will then discuss the kinetics of phase transformations and microstructure evolution, including the classical nucleation theory, mechanisms of growth and coarsening, theory of capillary, grain growth and so on. By the end of the course, we will see how the interplay of thermodynamic driving forces and kinetics of mass transfer defines the formation of complex microstructures of real materials.

Pre-Requisite: MSE 3050 Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria of Materials

MSE 3070 Syllabus

Professor Bi-Cheng Zhou

My favorite part of learning is when the material I learn becomes second–nature, when I encounter problems in the real world pertaining to the topic, my brain is able to naturally relate it to my prior knowledge. This course accomplished that feeling, and for that I'm grateful.

I think this class was structured the best out of any class I've had at UVA and that's not an exaggeration.

Prof Zhou was always open to questions and never shut down any perspectives.


Why take the course on atomistic modeling as an undergraduate?
•    Combine your interest in Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, with the fascinating world of Materials Science and Engineering
•    Learn how to translate theory/equations to clever algorithms and efficient codes.
•    Take advantage of the UVA Advanced Research Computing Services – from visualization to high-performance computing.
The course introduces students to atomic-level computational methods commonly used in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, and Mechanical Engineering. The molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods are discussed in depth, from the introduction to the basic concepts to the overview of the current state-of-the-art. The emphasis of the course is on getting practical experience in designing and performing computer simulations.  Students use and modify the pre-written codes and write their own simulation and data analysis codes while working on their homework assignments and term projects. The results of term projects are presented at a mini-symposium held at the end of the class.
Course web site:  

Enrollment Requirements: must be 3rd or 4th year Engineering student

MSE 4270 Syllabus

Professor Leo Zhigilei

The simulation is very important perspective in terms of research today. I found this class is very challenging and interesting. I learned a lot from the homework by tinkering around the code and finding reasons why and how the phenomena happened.

The projects are a very cool way to hammer down fundamental thermodynamic and physics concepts.

I recommend every student who wants to do simulation work should take this class!