CS News Briefs

Read the latest news briefs from and about students and faculty in the UVA Computer Science Department.

  • 2020 John A. Stankovic Graduate Research Award Winner: Huazheng Wang

    About Huazheng:
    I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of Virginia, supervised by Prof. Hongning Wang. My current research focuses on multi-armed bandit algorithms with application to online recommendation and information retrieval systems.
    What has kept Huazheng motivated:
    While I spend most of the time in my room, I try to talk a walk outdoor every day. Breathing fresh air helps me to keep positive!

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  • 2020 John A. Stankovic Graduate Research Award Winner: Qingyun Wu

    About Qingyun:

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  • 2020 John A. Stankovic Graduate Research Award Winner: Saeed Mahloujifar

    About Saeed:
    I am a Ph.D. candidate at Computer Science Department of the University of Virginia. My research interest is in security and privacy of machine learning and their interplay with Cryptography. Before coming to UVA, I obtained my Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering from Sharif University of Technology. I also spent Summer of 2019 interning at Microsoft Research, Redmond.

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Alex Hicks

    About Alex:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Jack Morris

    About Jack:
    I've been doing research on the robustness of NLP machine learning models with Prof. Yanjun Qi. I'm also a TA for algorithms, one of the best classes at UVA. In my spare time I like riding my bike, watching the NBA, and sometimes, coding for fun. Next year I'll be moving to Mountain View to participate in the Google AI Residency program!
    What has kept Jack motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: James Yun

    About James:
    I'm a full stack developer, entrepreneur, and lifelong learner from Arlington, Virginia. I am passionate about creating applications that make a lasting difference in people's lives. When I'm not programming, I like to run, invest, and keep up with the latest tech news. After graduation, I'll be joining Capital One as a software engineer.
    What has kept James motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Joshua Santana

    About Joshua:
    I'm a graduating CS major of the Engineering School, and working on this project with the others and with Meals on Wheels has been such a wonderful thing to be a part of this past year! Outside of my coursework, I like to spend my time working on game development projects, playing guitar, and cooking. In the fall, I'm looking forward to starting work at Google.
    What has kept Joshua motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Kevin Naddoni

    About Kevin:
    I am a 4th year Computer Science major at UVA. I am passionate about data science and machine learning, especially at the intersection of the medical field. At UVA, I've done research for the Department of Systems Engineering and the School of Medicine. In my free time, I enjoy swing & salsa dancing, cooking, ultimate frisbee, and weightlifting. This fall, I am excited to be working as a Software Engineer at Microsoft.
    What has kept Kevin motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Maxwell Patek

    About Maxwell:
    I am a recent BS CS graduate. At UVA, I enjoyed TAing for CS 2110, 4102, and 4414 and teaching my own ESC student-taught class on Metaprogramming. My remaining time I spent playing percussion in the Cavalier Symphony Orchestra, doing Systems Engineering research, and representing on RodCouncil. I'll soon be joining Facebook as a Software Engineer.
    What has kept Maxwell motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Michael Benos

    About Michael:
    I am passionate about cybersecurity and enjoyed serving as a TA for the Network Security course while at UVA. I love puzzles of all kinds, and have competed in many hackathon, capture the flag, and puzzle competitions.
    What has kept Michael motivated:
    Although simple, nonograms are fun puzzles that I like to do in my free time.

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