CS News Briefs

Read the latest news briefs from and about students and faculty in the UVA Computer Science Department.

  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Nate Strawser

    About Nate:
    I'm a graduating BS CS student. I've greatly enjoyed being a part of the Meals on Wheels Capstone team this year, which gave us the ability to gain real-world experience and give back to the Charlottesville community. I've TA'd for CS 2150 for two years, and I'll be joining Amazon as a Software Development Engineer this fall. Some fun facts about me are that I've learned to scuba dive while at UVA, and I've been to Utah three times with the Outdoors Club!
    What has kept Nate motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research Award Winner: Soukarya Ghosh

    About Soukarya:
    I am a rising fourth year Computer Science and Mathematics double major. Academically, I find theoretical aspects of the subjects I study very interesting. I always aspire to understand processes from the ground up and stay versatile in my field. Growing up, I have always been taught to give back to my community and work to help those who are not as fortunate. With all the experiences and knowledge I have gathered and continue to gather here at UVA, I believe I am more prepared to tackle this task than I have ever been.
    What has Soukarya kept motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Chairperson/Research and Teaching Award Winner: Virginia Layne Berry

    Layne received both the Louis T. Rader Chairperson/Research and Teaching awards!
    About Layne:
    I'm a rising fourth year hoping to enter a PhD program in Natural Language Processing after graduation to combine my love of both computer science and linguistics. I make time to cook and to knit, and am fostering an adorable kitten named Honey Bunches of Oats. I have a little brother studying theater at Northwestern who I couldn't be more proud of. Apart from my majors, I'm entering my sixth semester of Classical Sanskrit this Fall.

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Service Award Winner: Jake Smith

    About Jake:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Service Award Winner: Madison Flynn

    About Madison:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Service Award Winner: Sanjana Hajela

    About Sanjana:
    I really enjoy exploring different fields of CS and engineering and I am happy I got to take a wide variety of classes in UVA these past four years. Besides school, my hobbies include reading, doing stuff outdoors, exercising, and playing games.
    What has kept Sanjana motivated:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Teaching Award Winner: Alex Lehmann

    About Alex, Computer Science Major:
    I love TAing for algorithms and hope to pursue a professorship in computer science one day. In my free time, I play board games, and go hiking in the Shenandoah National Park.

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Teaching Award Winner: Cameron Lloyd

    About Cameron:

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Teaching Award Winner: Jason Ashley

    About Jason
    I am a third year studying both Computer Science and Computer Engineering. If I had to choose a subject within those fields, I would say I am interested in cybersecurity and am working on projects exploring that to varying degrees in embedded devices.

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  • 2020 Louis T. Rader Undergraduate Teaching Award Winner: Mike Ferguson

    About Mike:
    I am a rising fourth year with a passion for exploring the frontiers of science. I created a student taught class, CS 1501: Artificial General Intelligence, completely by scratch and turned it into a highly successful and rewarding lecture series. The course looks at the intersection of cognitive science, AI, and philosophy, while covering concepts of minds, brains, superintelligence, and what it means to be human.

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