Connected Vehicle PFS - Resources

The Connected Vehicle (CV) Pooled Fund Study (PFS) maintains a library of useful content, recommended tools, and guidance documents that support state and local transportation infrastructure owner operators (IOOs) in preparing for the effective deployment and operation of connected vehicle systems infrastructure and applications.

Current Projects

Members, Project Panels, and the Leadership Team meet at various dates and times throughout each month to discuss project details, administrative tasks, relevant news in the CAV economy, and upcoming events. These meetings are mostly public, with admittance from the host once verified. Some portions of meetings are clearly noted "for-members only." 

Past Projects

Under the TPF-5(206) pooled fund program, four phases of the research program were completed. Since March 2021, the CV PFS members have operated under the pooled fund program, TPF-5(389) to continue efforts to integrate connected vehicle technology into national infrastructures. | Projects are ordered with the most recent project completed first.