NMCF Research Publications

"Two doping strategies for modifying radiative transport in ZrO2-YTaO4 thermal barrier coating materials," Jeroen A. Deijkers, Victor K. Champagne, Nuzhat Maisha, Connor Lothrop, David R. Clarke, Haydn N.G. Wadley, Acta Materialia, Volume 287,120804 (2025) - D2 Phaser XRD & Quanta 650 SEM
“Investigating the synergistic benefits of Al on Cr(III) in the passive films of FeCoNi-Cr-Al CCAs in sulfuric acid,” Debashish Sur, Nathan C. Smith, Peter F. Connors, William H. Blades, Mitra L. Taheri, Christopher M. Wolverton, Karl Sieradzki, and John R. Scully, Electrochimica Acta, Vol 513, 145523, (2025) - Versaprobe XPS, Quanta 650 SEM/EDX, & Empyrean XRD
"Magnesium sulfide powder analyzed by XPS," Noah Jäggi & Catherine A. Dukes, Surf. Sci. Spectra 32 (1): 014001 (2025) - Versaprobe XPS
"Electrode Elastic Modulus as the Dominant Factor in the Capping Effect in Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Thin Films," Megan K. Lenox, Md Rafiqul Islam, Md Shafkat Bin Hoque, Chloe H. Skidmore, Alejandro Salanova, Shelby S. Fields, Samantha T. Jaszewski, Jon-Paul Maria, Patrick E. Hopkins, and Jon F. Ihlefeld, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16 (50), 69588-69598 (2024) - Rigaku Smartlab XRD
"A universal strategy for decoupling stiffness and extensibility of polymer networks," Baiqiang Huang, Shifeng Nian, and Li-Heng Cai, Science Advances 10, eadq3080 (2024) - Titan HR-TEM
"Nanoscale heterogeneities dictate corrosion pathways in a high-strength aluminum alloy," S. Choudhary & R.G. Kelly, npj Materials Degradation, 8, 103 (2024) - Helios FIB-SEM & Themis HR-S/TEM
"1,4-cineole: a bio-derived solvent for highly stable graphene nanoplatelet suspensions and well-dispersed UHMWPE nanocomposite fibers," K.R. Brown, Z.J. Xue, R. Cordier, C. Love-Baker, E.R. Crater, A. Sushchenko, E. Knight, A. Scherschel, M. Price, R.B. Moore, X. Li, Adv. Compos. Hybrid Mater. 7, 1–17 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM, Titan TEM, Renishaw Raman, & Bruker D8 Venture
"Development of Crystallographic Misorientation in Laser Powder Bed Fusion 316 L Stainless Steel," Prosenjit Biswas & Ji Ma, Additive Manufacturing 80, 103951 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM + Helios FIB-SEM
"Revisiting the influence of Ni particle size on the hydrogenation of CO2 to CH4 over Ni/CeO2," Dipesh Adhikari, Colby A. Whitcomb, Weijie Zhang, Sen Zhang, Robert J. Davis, Journal of Catalysis, Volume 438, 115708 (2024) - Themis TEM & Empyrean XRD
"Microbial Mineralization with Lysinibacillus sphaericus for Selective Lithium Nanoparticle Extraction," Vigil, T. N.; Johnson, G. C.; Jacob, S. G.; Spangler, L. C.; Berger, B. W., Environ. Sci. Technol. (2024) - Titan TEM
"Effect of Ti on the corrosion resistance of Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Mo-Ni single and multi-phase CCAs," S.B. Inman, J. Han, D.I. Hoyos, S.J. Poon, K.M. Ogle, J.R. Scully, Corrosion Science, Volume 236, 112262 (2024) - Quanta SEM, Phi XPS, & Empyrean XRD
"Variation of the Passive Film on Compositionally Concentrated Dual-Phase Al0.3Cr0.5Fe2Mn0.25Mo0.15Ni1.5Ti0.3 and Implications for Corrosion," Inman, S.B., Wischhusen, M.A., Qi, J., Poon, S.J., Agnew, S.R., and Scully, J.R., Metallalurgical and Materials Transactions A (2024) - Quanta SEM, PHI XPS, Helios FIB, Themis TEM, & Empyrean XRD
"Tuning chemical short-range order for stainless behavior at reduced chromium concentrations in multi-principal element alloys." Blades, W. H., Redemann, B. W. Y., Smith, N., Sur, D., Barbieri, M. S., Xie, Y., Lech, S., Anber, E., Taheri, M. L., Wolverton, C., McQueen, T. M., Scully, J. R., & Sieradzki, K., Acta Materialia, 277, 120209 (2024) - Empyrean XRD, Helios FIB/SEM, & Versaprobe XPS
"High-throughput aqueous passivation behavior of thin-film vs. bulk multi-principal element alloys in sulfuric acid.," Blades, W. H., Sur, D., Joress, H., DeCost, B., Holcombe, E. F., Redemann, B., McQueen, T. M., Berlia, R., Rajagopalan, J., Taheri, M. L., Scully, J. R., & Sieradzki, K., Corrosion Science, 236, 112261 (2024) - Emyprean XRD, Helios FIB, Themis TEM, and Quanta 650 SEM
"Spatially Resolved Assessment and Analysis of Al-Zn, Mg,and Mg/Al-Zn Metal Rich Primers applied to AA 7075-T651 in Full Immersion," Romanovskaia, E., Korjenic, A., Scully, J.R., Journal of the Electrochemical Society, (2024) - Raman, SEM Quanta 650
"Morphogenic Modeling of Corrosion Reveals Complex Effects of Intermetallic Particles," Batista, B. C., Romanovskaia, E., Romanovski, V., Emmanuel, M., Burns, J. T., Ma, J., Kiss, I. Z., Scully, J. R., & Steinbock, O., Advanced Science, 2024. 2404986 (2024) - Helios SEM, Titan TEM
"Morphological Evolution and Dealloying During Corrosion of Ni20Cr in Molten FLiNaK Salt," Chan, H. L., Romanovskaia, E., Mills, S., Hong, M., Romanovski, V., Bieberdorf, N., Peddeti, C., Minor, A.M., Hosemann, P., Asta, M. Scully, J.R., Journal of the Electrochemical Society, (2024) - Empyrean XRD
"A comparative study of zinc phosphate and zirconium-based conversion coatings on galvannealed steel: effect on corrosion performance of electrocoated systems," Glover, C.F., Romanovski, V., Romanovskaia, E., Bhargava, G., Ren, C., Surendranath, A., Houze, E., Scully, J.R., Corrosion (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM, Versaprobe XPS, & Empyrean XRD
“Apollo Next Generation Sample analysis (ANGSA): An Apollo participating scientist program to prepare the lunar sample community for Artemis,” C.K. Shearer, F.M. McCubbin, H.H. Schmitt, S. Eckley, R.A. Zeigler, J. Gross, J. Mitchell, S.B. Simon, A. Meshik, F. McDonald, C. Krysher, R.V. Morris, M. Neuman, K. Wang, B.L. Jolliff, K. Joy, Z. Sharp, M. Cato, A. Gargano, A. Mosie, J. Allton, C. Amick, C. Dukes, R. Parai, J. Simon, J.J. Barnes, M. Dyar, K. Burgess, N. Petro, N.M. Curran, J.E. Elsila, J. Gillis-Davis, A. Sehlke, D. Sears, B. Cohen, O. Pravdivseva, M.S. Thompson, C.R. Neal, P. Lucey, L. Sun, R. Hanna, R. Ketcham, and the ANGSA science team, Space Science Reviews 220, 62 (2024) - Versaprobe XPS
"Catalytic graphitization of pyrolysis oil for anode application in lithium-ion batteries," Shaikat Chandra Dey, Lillian Lower, Trevor Vook, Md. Nazrul Islam, William Joe Sagues, Sang-Don Han, Mark R. Nimlos, Stephen S. Kelleya, and Sunkyu Park, Green Chemistry 26, 8840-8853 (2024) - Epsilon3x XRF & Quanta 650 SEM/EDS
"Oxygen diffusion coefficients in ferroelectric hafnium zirconium oxide thin films," Liron Shvilberg, Chuanzhen Zhou, Megan K. Lenox, Benjamin L. Aronson, Nicolas K. Lam, Samantha T. Jaszewski, Elizabeth J. Opila, Jon F. Ihlefeld, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 (25): 252905 (2024) - Rigaku Smartlab XRD & Bruker FTIR
"Insights into glacial processes from micromorphology of silt-sized sediment," Lepp, A. P., Miller, L. E., Anderson, J. B., O'Regan, M., Winsborrow, M. C. M., Smith, J. A., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Wellner, J. S., Prothro, L. O., and Podolskiy, E. A., The Cryosphere, 18, 2297–2319 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM
“Internal Photoemission Measurements of Interfacial Energy Barriers in Operating TaN/Hf0.5Zr0.5O2/TaN Metal/Ferroelectric/Metal (MFM) Devices,” Jessica Haglund, Takanori Mimura, Jon F. Ihlefeld, and John F. Conley Jr., ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Accepted for Publication (2024) - Smartlab XRD
"Effect of background gas composition on the stoichiometry and lithium ion conductivity of pulse laser deposited epitaxial lithium lanthanum tantalate (Li3xLa1/3−xTaO3)." A. Brummel, Chuanzhen Zhou, Jon F. Ihlefeld, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 42 (3): 032705 (2024) - Rigaku XRD, Empyrean XRD, & Helios SEM/FIB
"Formation and long-time exposure aging of oxides on Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-X (X = Mo, W) alloys in acidic chloride solutions: Ramifications towards corrosion resistance." Romanovskaia, E., Lutton, K., Marshal, A., Wang, K., Chan, H. L., Zhou, B., & Scully, J. R. Applied Surface Science, 661, 159998 (2024) - Versaprobe XPS & Helios SEM
"Holistic comparison of environmental barrier coatingmaterial candidates through design of a figure of merit," Mackenzie J. Ridley, Dominic J. Pinnisi, & Elizabeth J. Opila, J Am Ceram Soc.,1–18 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Laser Surface Melting to Mitigate Intergranular Corrosion of Sensitized AA5083," Md Sojib Hossain, Jonathan Skelton, William P. Moffat, & James Fitz-Gerald, CORROSION 80 (2): 153–163 (2024) - Empyrean XRD & Quanta 650 SEM
"Evaluating commercial 3D printing nozzles as a low cost alternative for mesophase pitch derived carbon fiber production", Andriy Sushchenko, Alexander Scherschel, Cole Love-Baker, Ryan Cordier, Timothy M. Harrell, Kenneth R. Brown, Xiaodong Li, Carbon Volume 225 (2024). - Quanta 650 SEM, Renishaw Raman Scope, and Bruker D8 Venture
"Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene micro-ribbon fibers gel spun using orange terpenes" Brown KR, Love-Baker C, Xue Z,& Li X., Polym Eng Sci., 1-13 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS and Hirox RH-8800
"Composition dependence of oxidation resistance in high entropy ultra-high temperature ceramics," Lavina Backman, Joshua Gild, Mingde Qin, Jian Luo, & Elizabeth J. Opila, Open Ceramics, Volume 18, 100563 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS & Empyrean XRD
“Impact of high-power impulse magnetron sputtering pulse width on the nucleation, crystallization, microstructure, and ferroelectric properties of hafnium oxide thin films,” Samantha T. Jaszewski, Shelby S. Fields, Ching-Chang Chung, Jacob L. Jones, Keithen G. Orson, Petra Reinke, Jon F. Ihlefeld, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, 42, 023414, (2024) - Smartlab XRD, Empyrean XRD, & Helios SEM
"Design and Discovery of Compositionally Complex Alloys that Include High Corrosion Resistance." S.B. Inman, J.R. Scully; CORROSION 80 (3): 250–258 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM
“Photoinduced patterning of oxygen vacancies to promote the ferroelectric phase of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2,” Thomas E. Beechem, Fernando Vega, Samantha T. Jaszewski, Benjamin L. Aronson, Kyle P. Kelley, Jon. F. Ihlefeld, Applied Physics Letters, 124, 062902 (2024) - Empyrean XRD
"SuperGaN: Synthesis of NbTiN/GaN/NbTiN Tunnel Junctions," M. Cyberey, S. Hinton, C. Moore, R. M. Weikle and A. W. Lichtenberger, in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1-4, May 2024 - Rigaku Smartlab XRD
"Coprecipitation of Crystalline Calcium Silicates and Carbonates from the Hydrothermal Reaction of Pseudowollastonite," Coleman Tolliver, Suzanne Nguyen, Kimmie Dela Cerna, Rachel McNamara, Elizabeth J. Opila, and Andres F. Clarens, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 12, 5, 1844–1856 (2024) - Empyrean XRD
"Bioactive Polyurethane–Poly(ethylene Glycol) Diacrylate Hydrogels for Applications in Tissue Engineering." Yuan Y, Tyson C, Szyniec A, Agro S, Tavakol TN, Harmon A, Lampkins D, Pearson L, Dumas JE, Taite LJ., Gels. 10(2):108 (2024) - Bruker FTIR & Phenom SEM
"Absolute doubly differential angular sputtering yields for 20 keV Kr+ on polycrystalline Cu." C. Bu, L. S. Morrissey, B. C. Bostick, M. H. Burger, K. P. Bowen, S. N. Chillrud, D. L. Domingue, C. A. Dukes, D. S. Ebel, G. E. Harlow, P.-M. Hillenbrand, D. A. Ivanov, R. M. Killen, J. M. Ross, D. Schury, O. J. Tucker, X. Urbain, R. Zhang, D. W. Savin; J. Appl. Phys. 21 January 2024; 135 (3): 035302 (2024) - Phenom SEM
“Passivation and localized corrosion resistance of Al0.3Cr0.5Fe2MoxNi1.5Ti0.3 compositionally complex alloys: Effect of Mo content,” Sam Inman, Junsoo Han, Mark Wischhusen, Sean Agnew, John Scully, et al.,Corrosion Science, Volume 227, 111692 (2024) - Empyrean XRD, Quanta 650 SEM/EDS, & Versaprobe XPS
"Phase purity and evolution in sol–gel derived single component and multicomponent rare-earth disilicates." Salanova A, Opila EJ, Ihlefeld JF., J Am Ceram Soc. 1–14. (2024) - Empyrean XRD & X'Pert XRD
"Passivation and localized corrosion resistance of Al0.3Cr0.5Fe2MoxNi1.5Ti0.3 compositionally complex alloys: Effect of Mo content," S.B. Inman, J. Han, M.A. Wischhusen, J. Qi, S.R. Agnew, K. Ogle, J.R. Scully, Corrosion Science, 227, 111692 (2024) - Versaprobe XPS
"Effects of water and solvent properties on the corrosion of passive alloys in organic solvents: Uniform dissolution and pitting of C-22 in HCl," Pedro Atz Dick & Robert G. Kelly, Corrosion Science 226, 111621 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS
"On the low temperature fatigue crack growth behavior of AA7075-T651 in ultra-high vacuum environments," Adam W. Thompson, Zachary D. Harris, James T. Burns, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 178, 107988, ISSN 0142-1123 (2024) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Investigating the role of incident ion flux in solar wind space weathering of carbon-rich asteroidal regolith via H+ and He+ irradiation of the Murchison meteorite," D.L. Laczniak, M.S. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C.A. Dukes, R.V. Morris, L.P. Keller, Icarus, 410, 115883, (2024) - Versaprobe XPS
"Life Cycle Analysis of SiC Samples in a Stagnation-Point Reacting Flow." Nair, C, Cooper, J, Cha, CM, & Chelliah, HK., Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 2: Ceramics and Ceramic Composites; Coal, Biomass, Hydrogen, and Alternative Fuels. Boston, Massachusetts, USA. June 26–30, V002T02A008. ASME (2023) - Zygo white-light profilometer
"Infrared Signatures for Phase Identification in Hafnium Oxide Thin Films," Samantha T. Jaszewski, Sebastian Calderon, Bishal Shrestha, Shelby S. Fields, Atanu Samanta, Fernando J. Vega, Jacob D. Minyard, Joseph A. Casamento, Jon-Paul Maria, Nikolas J. Podraza, Elizabeth C. Dickey, Andrew M. Rappe, Thomas E. Beechem, & Jon F. Ihlefeld, ACS Nano 17 (23), 23944-23954 (2023) - Rigaku Smartlab XRD
"Mechanical property—processing relations for SiC foams synthesized via polymer particle templating of polycarbosilane." Kassner CT, Wadley HNG., Int J Ceramic Eng Sci. e10196 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM & Empyrean XRD
"Structural and functional damage to neuronal nuclei caused by extracellular tau oligomers." Xuehan Sun, Guillermo Eastman, Yu Shi, Subhi Saibaba, Ana K. Oliveira, John R. Lukens, Andrés Norambuena, Joseph A. Thompson, Michael D. Purdy, Kelly Dryden, Evelyn Pardo, James W. Mandell, George S. Bloom, Alzheimer's Dement. 1-15 (2023) - Bruker INOVA AFM
"Greenly growing carbon nanotubes on graphene for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries," Yucheng Zhou, Ruoxi Chen, Zan Gao, Jiajun He, and Xiaodong Li, Materials Today Energy 37,101389 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS, Empyrean XRD & Titan TEM
"Cellulose fiber-enabled mitigation of polysulfide shuttling and dendritic lithium growth in lithium-sulfur batteries," Yucheng Zhou, Ruoxi Chen, Jiajun He, and Xiaodong Li, Journal of Power Sources 584, 233595 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS
“Effect of tension during sulfonation stabilization for UHMWPE-derived carbon fibers,” Brown, K.R., Love-Baker, C., Harrell, T.M., Li, X., Journal of Polymer Research 30, 445 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM, Renishaw Raman, and Polishing Wheels
"Exploration of fibers produced from petroleum based-mesophase pitch and pet blends for carbon fiber production," A. Scherschel, T. Harrell, A. Sushchenko, X. Li, J. Polym. Res. 30, 1–8. (2023) - Hirox Optical Microscope, Bruker FTIR, and Quanta 650 SEM/EDS
"Influence of Oxygen Uptake on Pitch Carbon Fiber," T.M. Harrell, A. Scherschel, C. Love-Baker, A. Tucker, J.D. Moskowitz, X. Li, Small. 2303527, 1–10 (2023) – Hirox Optical Microscope and Quanta 650 SEM
"Evaluation of air oxidation and internal stresses induced by quenching of partially Cr-coated and uncoated optimized ZIRLO part I: Materials characterization," D.E. Burden, T.M. Harrell, C.A. Love-Baker, H.W. Hudyncia, D.C. Roache, J.L. Walters, E.J. Lahoda, B.R. Maier, X. Li, J. Alloys Compd. 967, 171658 (2023) – Hirox Optical Microscope, Empyrean XRD and Quanta 650 SEM/EDS
"Comparison of internal stresses and air oxidation induced by quenching of partially Cr-coated and uncoated optimized ZIRLOTM part II: Stress assessment," D.E. Burden, T.M. Harrell, H.W. Hudyncia, D.C. Roache, M.C. Price, E.J. Lahoda, J.L. Walters, B.R. Maier, X. Li, J. Alloys Compd. 969 (2023) 171976 (2023) – Quanta 650 SEM
"Enhancing low electronic conductivity materials in all active material electrodes through multicomponent architecture," Cai, Chen; Koenig, Gary M; Energy Advances 2, 2, 308-320 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM & X'pert XRD
"Processing Temperature Impact on TiNb2O7 Thick All Active Material Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes," Cai, Chen; Koenig, Gary M, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170, 1, 10529 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM & X'pert XRD
"Increased cycling rates for thick all active material electrodes via electrolyte modifications," Cai, Chen; Yost, Dean; Koenig Jr, Gary M; Journal of Energy Storage 64, 107238 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Impact of carbon coating processing using sucrose for thick binder-free titanium niobium oxide lithium-ion battery anode," Cai, Chen; McCormack, Patrick; Nie, Ziyang; Koenig Jr, Gary M; Journal of Electrochemical Science and Engineering 13, 3, 641-658 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM & X'pert XRD
"Stable multicomponent multiphase all active material lithium-ion battery anodes," Cai, Chen; Gao, Lin; Sun, Tao; Koenig Jr, Gary M; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 29, 34662-34674 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS, Tinius Olsen Hardness & X'pert XRD
"High capacity rechargeable coin cells using all active material electrodes and percolated networks of LiCoO2 blended with LiNi0. 8Co0. 15Al0. 05O2," Cai, Chen; Hensley, Donovan; Koenig Jr, Gary M; Journal of Alloys and Compounds 968, 171965 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS & X'pert XRD
"Electronically conductive metal oxide incorporation in electrode to enable high energy density all active material electrodes," Cai, Chen; Koenig Jr, Gary M; Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 950, 117920 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Hydrogen passivation accelerated conversion of cotton to graphene," He, J. and Li, X., Sustainable Materials and Technologies 38, E00736 (2023) - Titan TEM & Renishaw Raman
"Tailoring material microstructure and property in wire-laser directed energy deposition through a wiggle deposition strategy," Lin Gao, Jishnu Bhattacharyya, Wenhao Lin, Zhongshu Ren, Andrew C. Chuang, Pavel D. Shevchenko, Viktor Nikitin, Ji Ma, Sean R. Agnew, Tao Sun, Additive Manufacturing, 77, 103801 (2023) - Hirox Optical Microscope, Quanta 650 SEM, Helios FIB/SEM, Ion Polisher & Polishing Wheels
"An operando synchrotron study on the effect of wire melting state on solidification microstructures of Inconel 718 in wire-laser directed energy deposition," Gao, L., Chuang, A. C., Kenesei, P., Ren, Z., Balderson, L., & Sun, T., International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 104089 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM, Helios FIB/SEM, Ion Polisher, and Polishing Wheels
"An Experimental High-Throughput to High-Fidelity Study Towards Discovering Al–Cr Containing Corrosion-Resistant Compositionally Complex Alloys," Debashish Sur, Emily F. Holcombe, William H. Blades, Elaf A. Anber, Daniel L. Foley, Brian L. DeCost, Jing Liu, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Karl Sieradzki, Howie Joress, John R. Scully & Mitra L. Taheri, High Entropy Alloys & Materials, (2023) - Versaprobe XPS & Quanta 650 SEM-EDS
"Nanocluster superstructures assembled via surface ligand switching at high temperature," Johnson, G.; Yang, M. Y.; Liu, C.; Zhou, H.; Zuo, X.; Dickie, D. A.; Wang, S.; Gao, W.; Anaclet, B.; Perras, F. A.; et al., Nature Synthesis 2, 828–837 ( 2023) - Renishaw Raman & Versaprobe XPS
“Oxygen Vacancy Contributions to the Electrical Stress Response and Endurance of Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Thin Films,” Antik Mallick, Megan K. Lenox, Thomas E. Beechem, Jon F. Ihlefeld, and Nikhil Shukla, Applied Physics Letters, 122 (13), 132902 (2023) - Empyrean XRD
“Interface-Independent Sound Speed and Thermal Conductivity of Atomic-Layer-Deposition-Grown Amorphous AlN/Al2O3 Multilayers with Varying Oxygen Composition,” Md Shafkat Bin Hoque, Ian Brummel, Eric R. Hoglund, C. Jaymes Dionne, Kiumars Aryana, John A. Tomko, John T. Gaskins, Daniel Hirt, Sean W. Smith, Thomas Beechem, James A. Howe, Ashutosh Giri, Jon F. Ihlefeld, and Patrick E. Hopkins, Physical Review Materials, 7, 025401 (2023) - Themis TEM and Rigaku Smartlab
“Phase Stability and Tensorial Thermal Expansion Properties of Single to High-Entropy Rare-Earth Disilicates,” Alejandro Salanova, Ian A. Brummel, Andrey A. Yakovenko, Elizabeth J. Opila, and Jon F. Ihlefeld, Journal of The American Ceramics Society, 106 (5), 3228-3238 (2023) - Empyrean XRD
“Asymmetric Electrode Work Function Customization via Top Electrode Replacement in Ferroelectric and Field-Induced Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Thin Films,” Shelby S. Fields, Samantha T. Jaszewski, Megan K. Lenox, and Jon F. Ihlefeld, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10 (8), 2202232 (2023) - Empyrean XRD
“Effects of Burial Powder Configuration on the Microstructure, Composition, and Ion Conductivity of Perovskite Li3xLa1/3-xTaO3 Ion Conductors,” Ian A. Brummel, Kevin Wynne, William A. Lanford, and Jon F. Ihlefeld, Journal of The American Ceramic Society, 106, 241-250 (2023) - Empyrean XRD, Quanta 650 SEM & Phenom SEM
"Solution Shearing of Zirconium (Zr)-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks NU-901 and MOF-525 Thin Films for Electrocatalytic Reduction Applications," Prince K. Verma, Connor A. Koellner, Hailey Hall, Meagan R. Phister, Kevin H. Stone, Asa W. Nichols, Ankit Dhakal, Earl Ashcraft, Charles W. Machan, and Gaurav Giri, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c12011 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM/EDS & Empyrean XRD
"Surface oxides, carbides, and impurities on RF superconducting Nb and Nb3Sn: A comprehensive analysis," Zeming Sun, Zhaslan Baraissov, Catherine A. Dukes, Darrah K. Dare, Thomas Oseroff, Michael O Thompson, David A. Muller & Matthias Liepe, Superconductor Sci. Technol. 36, 115030 (2023) - Versaprobe XPS
“Impacts to FeRAM Design Arising from Interfacial Dielectric Layers and Wake Up Modulation in Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide,” M. David Henry, Sean W. Smith, Shelby S. Fields, Samantha T. Jaszewski, Giovanni Esteves, Helge Heinrich, and Jon F. Ihlefeld, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, (2023) - Helios FIB-SEM & Themis STEM
"Life Cycle Analysis of SiC samples in a Stagnation-Point Reacting Flow," Chinmay Nair, John Cooper, Chong M. Cha, & Harsha K. Chelliah, ASME TurboExpo 2023, GT2023-103660, (2023) - Zygo Profilometer
"Measurement of the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction in Mn4N Films That Host Skyrmions", W. Zhou, Ma CT, & Poon SJ, Nanomaterials13(10), 1672 (2023) - Versaprobe XPS
"The Effect of Crack-Initiating Feature on the Environment-Assisted Cracking Behavior of Sensitized AA5456-H116 in Marine Environments." Zachary D. Harris, Lara S. Ojha, Jayendran Srinivasan, Robert G. Kelly, James T. Burns; Corrosion 79 (8): 868–880 (2023) - Hirox Optical Microscope
"Interactions of Na2SO4 and yttrium-silicate environmental barrier coatings at 825°C" Ardrey, K, Heinrich, H, Opila, E., J Am Ceram Soc.,1–13 (2023) - Titan TEM, Helios FIB-SEM, Quanta SEM & Empyrean XRD
"Ferroelectricity in hafnia controlled via surface electrochemical state." Kelley, K.P., Morozovska, A.N., Eliseev, E.A. et al., Nat. Mater. 22, 1144–1151 (2023) - Empyrean XRD
"Applied in-plane strain effects on the polarization response of ferroelectric hafnium zirconium oxide thin films," J.F. Ihlefeld, Travis Peters, Samantha T. Jaszewski, Takanori Mimura, Benjamin L. Aronson, Susan Trolier-McKinstry; Appl. Phys. Lett. 21 123 (8): 082901 (2023) - Empyrean XRD
“Corrosion Electrochemistry of Chromium in Molten FLiNaK Salt at 600°C,” Ho Lun Chan, Romanovskaia, E., Hong, M.-S., Romanovski, V., Sur, D., Hosemann, P., Scully, J. R., Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 170(8), 081502–081502 (2023) - Empyrean XRD & Phenom SEM
“An In Situ, Multi-Electrode Electrochemical Method to Assess the Open Circuit Potential Corrosion of Cr in Unpurified Molten FLiNaK,” Elena Romanovskaia, Ho Lun Chan, Romanovski, V., Garfias, F., Hong, M.-S., Mastromarino, S., Hosemann, P., Scarlat, R. O., Scully, J. R., Corrosion Science, 222, 111389–111389, (2023) - Empyrean XRD
"An In Situ, multi-electrode electrochemical method to assess the open circuit potential corrosion of Cr in unpurified molten FLiNaK,” Elena Romanovskaia, Ho Lun Chan, Valentin Romanovski, Francisco Garfias, Minsung Hong, Sara Mastromarino, Peter Hosemann, Raluca Scarlat, John R. Scully, Corrosion Science, Volume 222 (2023) - EmpyreanXRD and Phenom SEM
"Corrosion Electrochemistry of Chromium in Molten FLiNaK Salt at 600°C," Ho Lun Chan, Elena Romanovskaia, Minsung Hong, Valentin Romanovski, Debashish Sur, Peter Hosemann & John R Scully, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, accepted (2023) - EmpyreanXRD and Phenom SEM
"Direct evidence of the Shockley tetragonal L1' phase in a bulk Fe-Pd alloy", Adrian Savovici, W.A. Soffa, J.A. Floro, Scripta Materialia 234, 115540 (2023) - Empyrean XRD and Titan TEM
"Volcanogenic fluxes of iron from the seafloor in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica," Lisa C. Herbert, Allison P. Lepp, Santiago Munevar Garcia, Arianne Browning, Lauren E. Miller, Julia Wellner, Silke Severmann, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Joanne S. Johnson, and Robert M. Sherrell, Marine Chemistry, 253,104250 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Evaluating the effects of space weathering on magnetite on airless planetary bodies," L.C. Chaves, M.S. Thompson, M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, P.S. Szabo, B.H.N. Horgan, Icarus, 402,115634 (2023) - Versaprobe XPS
"Electrical Performance of Sputtered Epitaxial Magnesium Oxide on n-Type Gallium Nitride Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Devices," Liron Shvilberg, Takanori Mimura, Haotian Xue , Jonathan J. Wierer Jr., Elizabeth A. Paisley, Helge Heinrich, and Jon F. Ihlefeld, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices XXX (2023) - Empyrean XRD, Rigaku XRD, Themis STEM & Helios FIB/SEM
"Cascade Reaction of Ethanol to Butadiene over Ag-Promoted, Silica- or Zeolite-Supported Ta, Y, Pr, or La Oxide Catalysts," Konstantin Mamedov & Robert J. Davis, ACS Catalysis 13, 5, 3333–3344 (2023) - Themis STEM & Versaprobe XPS
"Lightweight, low cost compositionally complex multiphase alloys with optimized strength, ductility and corrosion resistance: Discovery, design and mechanistic understandings," J.J. Bhattacharyya, S.B. Inman, M.A. Wischhusen, J. Qi, J. Poon, J.R. Scully, & S.R. Agnew, Materials & Design, 228 111831. (2023) - Themis HR-STEM, Helios FIB, Quanta 650 SEM, and Versaprobe XPS
"Multi–length scale characterization of point defects in thermally oxidized, proton irradiated iron oxide," Lun Chan, Rasheed Auguste, Elena Romanovskaia, Angelica Lopez Morales, Franziska Schmidt, Valentin Romanovski, Christopher Winkler, Jie Qiu, Yongqiang Wang, Djamel Kaoumi, Farida A. Selim, Blas P. Uberuaga, Peter Hosemann, & John R. Scully, Materialia, Volume 28, 101762. (2023) - Empyrean XRD & Renishaw Raman
"Passivation of Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys in Low and High pH Sulfate Solutions," Lutton, K., Han, J., Ha, H.M., Sur, D., Romanovskaia, E., & Scully, J.R., Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170, 021507 (2023) - Versaprobe XPS
"Corrosion behavior of a compositionally complex alloy utilizing simultaneous Al, Cr, and Ti passivation," S.B. Inman, D. Sur, J. Han, K. Ogle, & J.R. Scully, Corrosion Science, 217, 111138 (2023) - Quanta 650 SEM & Versaprobe XPS
"Electrodeposited Heterostructures of Cobalt Sulfide/Molybdenum Sulfide Trigger both Acidic and Alkaline HER," Lee Kendall, Qiyuan Lin, Giovanni Zangari, & Stephen McDonnell, J. Electrochem. Soc. 170 042501 (2023) - Empyrean XRD, Quanta 650 SEM, & Renishaw Raman
"Unveiling the microstructural evolution of carbon fibers derived from polyamide-6." Love-Baker, C.A., Harrell, T.M., Scherschel, A., Gao, Z., Song, N., Brown, K.R., Vautard, F., Ivanov, I., Klett, J., & X. Li, J Polym Res 30, 72 (2023)
"Compatibility of mesophase pitch and linear low-density polyethylene for low-cost carbon fiber," Scherschel, C. Love-Baker, A. Sushchenko, T. Harrell, K. Brown, X. Li, J. Polym. Res. 30, 1–11 (2023) - Quanta 650, Renishaw Raman, & Empyrean XRD
"Observation of Weibull, Lognormal, and Gamma Distributions in Electrodeposited Cu and Cu-Ag Particles" Sun, Yunkai, and Giovanni Zangari, Materials 16, no. 19: 6452. (2023) - JEOL 6700F SEM (replaced with Quanta)
"Use of a Bipolar, Metallic Luggin-Haber Probe for Electrochemical Measurements of Interfacial Potential," S. Choudhary, K. Marusak, T. Eldred, & R. G. Kelly, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 169, 111505 (2022) - Titan TEM
"Interfacial mixing effect in a promising skyrmionic material: Ferrimagnetic Mn4N," CT Ma, W Zhou, BJ Kirby, & SJ Poon, AIP Advances 12 (8), 085023 (2022) - Versaprobe XPS
"Conventional Half-Heusler alloys advance state-of-the-art thermoelectric properties," M Mitra, A Benton, MS Akhanda, J Qi, M Zebarjadi, DJ Singh, & SJ Poon, Materials Today Physics 28, 100900 (2022) - Quanta 650 SEM
“Operando electrochemical TEM, ex-situ SEM and atomistic modeling studies of MnS dissolution and its role in triggering pitting corrosion in 304L stainless steel”, D. Kovalov, C.D. Taylor, H. Heinrich, R.G. Kelly, Corrosion Science 199 110184, 1-18 (2022) - Helios FIB/SEM, Themis STEM & Titan TEM
"Formation and Long-Time Exposure Aging of Oxides on Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-X (Mo, W) Alloys in Acidic Chloride Solutions: Ramifications Towards Local Corrosion Resistance," Elena Romanovskaia, Katie Lutton, Marshal Amalraj, Laurence Marks & John R. Scully, ECS Meet. Abstr. MA2022-02 711 (2022) - Versaprobe XPS
"Exposure Aging of Passive Films on Multi-Principal Element Alloys and Ramifications Towards Local Corrosion Resistance," John R. Scully, Elena Romanovskaia, Katie Lutton, Angela Y. Gerard, & Samuel B. Inman, ECS Meet. Abstr. MA2022-02 733 (2022) - Versaprobe XPS
"Extracting single fiber transverse and shear moduli from off-axis misalignment fiber tensile testing," T.M. Harrell, C. Love-Baker, K.R. Brown, C.H. Bumgardner,& X. Li, Compos. Part A Appl. Sci. Manuf. 163, 107204 (2022) - Quanta 650.SEM
"A multimodal approach to revisiting oxidation defects in Cr2O3," R. Auguste, L. Chan, E. Romanovskaia, J. Qiu, R. Schoell, M. O. Liedke, M. Butterling, E. Hirschmann, A. G. Attallah, A. Wagner, F. A. Selim, D. Kaoumi, B. P. Uberuaga, P. Hoseman, & J.R. Scully, npj Mater Degrad 6, 61 (2022) - Renishaw Raman
"Insights on the corrosion thermodynamics of chromium in molten LiF-NaF-KF eutectic salts," Chan, H.L., Romanovskaia, E., Qiu, J. et al. npj Mater Degrad 6, 46 (2022) - XRD Empyrean
“Unusual strain relaxation mechanism in metastable beta Ti-Nb alloy after rapid solidification”, WH. Lin, H. Heinrich, J. Ma, Scripta Materialia 211, 114499, 1-5 (2022) - Quanta 650 SEM, Titan TEM, Themis STEM & Empyrean XRD
"The Role of Chromium Content on Aqueous Passivation of Non-Equiatomic Ni28Fe20CrxMn21-0.5xCo21-0.5x: Multi-Principal Element Alloy (x = 22, 14, 10, 6 at. %) in Acidic Chloride Solution," Angela Y. Gerard, Elizabeth J. Kautz, Daniel K. Schreiber, Junsoo Han, Stephen McDonnell, Kevin Ogle, Pin Lu, James E. Saal, Gerald S. Frankel, John R. Scully. Acta Materialia. Accepted. (2022) - Versaprobe XPS
"Mechanistic Insights on the Low-Temperature Oxidation of CO Catalyzed by Isolated Co Ions in N-Doped Carbon," Colby A. Whitcomb, Anna Sviripa, Michael I. Schapowal, Konstantin Mamedov, Raymond R. Unocic, Christopher Paolucci, and Robert J. Davis, ACS Catalysis 12, XXX, 15529–15540 (2022) - Versaprobe XPS
“Pitting Corrosion Susceptibility of Microstructural Features in a Compositionally Complex Ferritic Steel as a Function of Titanium Concentration” Mark Wischhusen, Carol Glover, Peter K. Liaw, John R. Scully, Sean Agnew; CORROSION, 78 (3): 280–292 (2022) - Quanta 650 SEM & Empyrean XRD
"Origin of Ferroelectric Phase Stabilization via the Clamping Effect in Ferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Thin Films," Fields, S. S., Cai, T., Jaszewski, S. T., Salanova, A., Mimura, T., Heinrich, H. H., Henry, M. D., Kelley, K. P., Sheldon, B. W., Ihlefeld, J. F., Adv. Electron. Mater. 2200601 (2022) - Versaprobe XPS, Smartlab XRD, Empyrean XRD, Themis-Z STEM, and Helios FIB
"Controlling scaffold conductivity and pore size to direct myogenic cell alignment and differentiation." Basurto IM, Muhammad SA, Gardner GM, Christ GJ, Caliari SR., J Biomed Mater Res A.110(10):1681-1694 (2022) - Quanta 650 SEM
“Hybridization from guest-host interactions reduces the thermal conductivity of metal organic frameworks (MOFs)," DeCoster, M.E., Babaei, H., Jung, S.S., Hassan, Z., Gaskins, J.T., Giri, A., Tiernan, E., Tomko, J.A., Baumgart, H., Norris, P.M., McGaughey, A.J.H., Wilmer, C., Redel, E., Giri, G., Hopkins, P.E., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 8, 3603–3613 (2022) - Renishaw Raman, Quanta 650 SEM, & Empyrean XRD
“Observation of solid-state bidirectional thermal conductivity switching in antiferroelectric lead zirconate (PbZrO3),” " Aryana, K., Tomko, J.A., Gao, R., Hoglund, E.R., Mimura, T., Makarem, S., Salanova, A., Hoque, Md.S.B., Pfeifer, T.W., Olson, D.H., Braun, J.L., Nag, J., Read, J.C., Howe, J.M., Opila, E.J., Martin, L.W., Ihlefeld, J.F., Hopkins, P.E., Nature Communications 13, 1573 (2022) - Rigaku XRD, Titan TEM, & Themis-Z STEM
"Emergent interface vibrational structure of oxide superlattices," Hoglund, E.R., Bao, DL., O’Hara, A. et al. Nature 601, 556–561 (2022) - Titan TEM & Themis-Z STEM
"Impact of oxygen content on phase constitution and ferroelectric behavior of hafnium oxide thin films deposited by reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering," Samantha T. Jaszewski, Eric R. Hoglund, Anna Costine, Marc H. Weber, Shelby S. Fields, Maria Gabriela Sales, Jaykumar Vaidya, Leah Bellcase, Katie Loughlin, Alejandro Salanova, Diane A. Dickie, Steven L. Wolfley, M. David Henry, Jon-Paul Maria, Jacob L. Jones, Nikhil Shukla, Stephen J. McDonnell, Petra Reinke, Patrick E. Hopkins, James M. Howe, Jon F. Ihlefeld, Acta Materialia, 239, 118220 (2022) - Rigaku XRD, Helios FIB, and Themis STEM
"The evolution of composition and morphology during the initial growth of electrodeposited Ni-Fe films: Comparison between the potentiostatic mode and the pulse-reverse potential mode" Qiyuan Lin, Giovanni Zangari, Electrochimica Acta 409, 139978 (2022) - Quanta 650 SEM, Quanta LV200, Empyrean XRD, & ZYGO Profilometer
"Selective Morphological and Polymorphic Control of CL-20 Thin Films Using Meniscus-Guided Coating," Natalie Smith, Stephanie Guthrie, Zbigniew Dreger, and Gaurav Giri, Crystal Growth & Design 22 (2), 1164-1171 (2022) - Renishaw Raman
"Space weathering effects in troilite by simulated solar-wind hydrogen and helium ion irradiation," Christoph, J. M., Minesinger, G. M., Bu, C., Dukes, C. A., & Elkins-Tanton, L. T., J. Geophys. Research: Planets, 127, E2021JE006916 (2022) - Versaprobe XPS
"Cotton-derived Fe/Fe₃C-encapsulated Carbon Nanotubes for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries," Rouxi Chen, Yucheng Zhou, and Xiaodong Li, Nano Lett., 22, 3, 1217–1224 (2022) - Quanta 650 SEM, Titan HR-TEM, Empyrean XRD, & Versaprobe XPS
"Detection of sub-micrometer thermomechanical and thermochemical failure mechanisms in titanium with a laser-based thermoreflectance technique," Kathleen Quiambao-Tomko, Richard R. White, John A. Tomko, Christina M. Rost, Lavina Backman, Elizabeth J. Opila, and Patrick E. Hopkins, Journal of Applied Physics 131, 055104 (2022) - Helios FIB SEM & Quanta 650 SEM
"WSe2 growth on hafnium zirconium oxide by molecular beam epitaxy: the effect of the WSe2 growth conditions on the ferroelectric properties of HZO, Maria Gabriela Sales, Shelby Fields, Samantha Jaszewski, Sean Smith, Takanori Mimura, Wendy L Sarney, Sina Najmaei, Jon F Ihlefeld & Stephen McDonnell, 2D Materials 9, 015001 (2022) - Rigaku XRD
"Investigating dopants to improve sintered LiMn 2 O 4 spinel electrode electrochemical cycling limitations," Chen Cai & Gary M. Koenig Jr., Electrochimica Acta 401, 139484 (2022) - Quanta 650 SEM & X'Pert XRD
"On the hydrogen environment-assisted cracking resistance of a compositionally complex Co – Ni – Cr – Fe – Mo – Ti alloy" Harris ZD, Guiseva K, Scully JR, Burns JT, Mater Sci Eng A. 802:140601 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Elucidating the loading rate dependence of hydrogen environment-assisted cracking in a Ni-Cu superalloy." Harris ZD, Dubas EM, Popernack AS, Somerday BP, Burns JT, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 111:102846 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Na2SO4 deposit-induced hot corrosion of BN-coated α-SiC." Herweyer, LA, Opila, EJ., J Am Ceram Soc. 2021; 104: 1539– 1553 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM, XPert XRD & Zygo Profilometer
"Meniscus Guided Coating and Evaporative Crystallization of UiO-66 Metal Organic Framework Thin Films,"Sangeun Jung, Prince Verma, Sean Robinson, Emily Beyer, Hailey Hall, Luke Huelsenbeck, Kevin H. Stone, and Gaurav Giri, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 60, 48, 17585–17595 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"High-temperature Na2SO4 interaction with air plasma sprayed Yb2Si2O7 + Si EBC system: Topcoat behavior," Herweyer, LA, Opila, EJ.. J Am Ceram Soc. 104: 6496– 6507 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM & Empyrean XRD
"Na2SO4 deposit-induced hot corrosion of SiC fibers relevant for SiC CMCs," Herweyer, LA, Opila, EJ., J Am Ceram Soc; 104: 5908– 5922 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM & Titan TEM
" Interfacial reactions between B2O3 and spark plasma sintered Yb2Si2O7," Guarriello, R., Hoglund, E., Heinrich, H. and Opila, E, J Am Ceram Soc, 104: 5392-5401( 2021) - Quanta 650 SEM, Helios FIB, Titan TEM & Empyrean XRD
"(692d) Utilizing Meniscus Guided Coating Techniques to Obtain Polymorphic Control and Large Area Single Crystalline Domains in Energetic Material Thin Films," N. Smith & G. Giri, AIChE Annual Meeting 2021, (2021) - Renishaw Raman
"The effect of corrosion location relative to local stresses on the fatigue life of geometrically-complex, galvanically corroded AA7075-T6," C. Cocke, R. Marshall, C. Sprinkle, A. Goff, R. Kelly, and J. Burns, Corrosion 3908, doi.org/10.5006/3908 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM, Hirox Digital Microscope, & Zygo Profilometer
"Influence of Oxygen Dopants on the HER Catalytic Activity of Electrodeposited MoOxSy Electrocatalysts," Kendall, L.; Chamaani, A; Piontkowski, Z; Beechem, T. E.; Ridley, M.; Opila, E.J.; Zangari, G.; and McDonnell, S.J., ACS Appl. Energy Mater. (2021) - Renishaw Raman
"Effect of Mn Content on the Passivation and Corrosion of Al 0.3 Cr 0.5 Fe 2 Mn x Mo 0.15 Ni 1.5 Ti 0.3 FCC Compositionally Complex Alloys," Samuel Inman, Junsoo HAN, Angela Gerard, Jie Qi, Mark Wischhusen, Sean Agnew, S Poon, Kevin Ogle, & John Scully, CORROSION 3906 (2021) - Versaprobe XPS, Empyrean XRD, & Quanta 650 SEM
"Anisotropic particle synthesis and characterization for lithium-ion battery electrode materials via precursor precipitate growth inhibitor," Chen Cai, Hongxu Dong, and Gary M. Koenig Jr, Powder Technology 394, 214–224 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Precipitation dominated thin films of acetaminophen fabricated by meniscus guided coating," Stephanie M. Guthrie, Natalie Smith, Ashley M. Conley, Detlef-M. Smilgies and Gaurav Giri, Cryst. Eng. Comm., doi.org/10.1039/D1CE01437D (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM & Zygo Profilometer
"Wake-up and fatigue mechanisms in ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 films with symmetric RuO2 electrodes," S. S. Fields, S. W. Smith, S. T. Jaszewski, T. Mimura, D. A. Dickie, G. Esteves, M. D. Henry, S. L. Wolfley, P. S. Davids, and J. F. Ihlefeld, Journal of Applied Physics 130, 134101 (2021) - Rigaku XRD
"Yeast-Derived Carbon Nanotube-Coated Separator for High Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries," He, J., Gao, Z. & Li, X. JOM 73, 2516–2524 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM, Titan TEM, Versaprobe XPS, X'Pert XRD, and Renishaw Raman
"Aligned and electrically conductive 3D collagen scaffolds for skeletal muscle tissue engineering," Basurto IM, Mora MT, Gardner GM, Christ GJ, and Caliari SR., Biomater Sci. 9 (11), 4040-4053 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Towards synthetic L10-FeNi: Detecting the absence of cubic symmetry in Laser-Ablated Fe-Ni nanoparticles," Q. Lin, R. Nadarajah, E. Hoglund, A. Semisalova, J. M. Howe, B. Gökce, G. Zangari, Applied Surface Science, 567, 150664 (2021) - TITAN TEM
“Characterizing Environment-dependent Fracture Mechanisms of Ceramic Matrix Composites via Digital Image Correlation,” C.H. Bumgardner, F.M. Heim, D.C. Roache, M.C. Price, C.P. Deck, and X. Li, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Accepted. (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Noncovalent Immobilization of Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl Iridium Complexes on Ordered Mesoporous Carbon for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation," A. M. Geer, C. Liu, C. B. Musgrave III, C. Webber, G. Johnson, H. Zhou, C.-J. Sun, D. A. Dickie, W. A. Goddard III, S. Zhang, and T. B. Gunnoe, Small Science, 2100037 (2021) - Titan TEM, Versaprobe XPS, and Renishaw Raman
"Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation by a Trinuclear Copper(II) Complex," A. M. Geer, C. Musgrave III, C. Webber, R. J. Nielsen, B. A. McKeown, C. Liu, P. P. M. Schleker, P. Jakes, X. Jia, D. A. Dickie, J. Granwehr, S. Zhang, C. W. Machan, W. A. Goddard, and T. B. Gunnoe, ACS Catalysis, 11, 7223–7240 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Characterizing the spectral, microstructural, and chemical effects of solar wind irradiation on the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite through coordinated analyses," D.L. Laczniak, M.S. Thompson, R. Christoffersen, C.A. Dukes, S.J. Clemett, R.V. Morris, and L.P. Keller, Icarus,114479 (2021) - Versaprobe XPS
"Guest-host supramolecular assembly of injectable hydrogel nanofibers for cell encapsulation," Miller, B., Hansrisuk, A., Highley, C.B., and Caliari, S.R., ACS Biomaterials. (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Upcycling of paper waste for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries," Y. Zhou, Y. Zhang, and X. Li, Materials Today Energy 19, 100591 (2021) - Versaprobe XPS, Quanta 650 SEM, & Empyrean XRD
"Morphology and seebeck coefficients of electrodeposited Bi2Se3 films grown onto Au(111)/Si substrates," R. Ahmed, M. G. Rosul, Y. Xu, M. Zebarjadi, and G. Zangari, Electrochimica Acta 368, 137554 (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM & Empyrean XRD
"Thermal stability of hafnium zirconium oxide on transition metal dichalcogenides," Maria Gabriela Sales, Samantha T. Jaszewski, Shelby S. Fields, Peter M. Litwin, Jon F. Ihlefeld, and Stephen J. McDonnell, Applied Surface Science, 546, 149058 (2021) - Rigaku XRD
"Analyzing the effect of misalignment on single-filament carbon fiber tensile testing via stereoscopic computer vision imaging," C.A. Love-Baker, T. M. Harrell, K. R. Brown, C. H. Bumgardner, and X. C. Li, Measurement Science and Technology, (2021) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Thermomechanical and thermochemical stability of HfSiO4 for environmental barrier coating applications, " Ridley, M.J. and Opila, E.J., J Am Ceram Soc. (2021) - Empyrean XRD & Quanta 650 SEM
"Metal Nitride Electrode Stress and Chemistry Effects on Phase and Polarization Response in Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films," S.S. Fields, S.W. Smith, C.M. Fancher, M.D. Henry, S.L. Wolfley, M.G. Sales, S.T. Jaszewski, M.A. Rodriguez, G. Esteves, P.S. Davids, S.J. McDonnell, and J.F. Ihlefeld, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2100018 (2021) - Rigaku XRD & Versaprobe XPS
"Compositional and phase dependence of elastic modulus of crystalline and amorphous Hf1-xZrxO2 thin films," S. S. Fields, D. H. Olson, S. T. Jaszewski, C. M. Fancher, S. W. Smith, D. A. Dickie, G. Esteves, M. D. Henry, P. S. Davids, P. E. Hopkins and J. F. Ihlefeld, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 102901 (2021) - Versaprobe XPS & Rigaku XRD
"Surfactant Removal for Colloidal Nanocrystal Catalysts Mediated by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes," P. Godbold, G. Johnson, A.D. Obi, R. Brown, S. Hwang, R.J. Gilliard, and S. Zhang, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 7, 2644–2648 (2021) - Titan TEM & Versaprobe XPS
"Reductive C–C Coupling from Molecular Au(I) Hydrocarbyl Complexes: A Mechanistic Study," J. Miranda-Pizarro, Z. Luo, J.J. Moreno, D.A. Dickie, J. Campos, and B.T. Gunnoe, J. Am. Chem. Soc., doi: 10.1021/jacs.0c11296 (2021) - Titan TEM
“Evolution of the Structural Transition in Mo1-xWxTe2.” Schneeloch, John A., Yu Tao, Chunruo Duan, Masaaki Matsuda, Adam A. Aczel, Jaime A. Fernandez-Baca, Guangyong Xu, Jörg C. Neuefeind, Junjie Yang, and Despina Louca. Physical Review B 102, no. 5, 054105 (2020) - LV200 SEM
"The Influence of Acidity, Chlorides and a High-Potential Quinone on the Corrosion of Hastelloy C-22 in Nonaqueous Solutions," P. Atz Dick, M. J. Beekwilder, and R. G. Kelly, J. Electrochem. Soc. 167 161503 (2020) - Quanta 650 SEM
"Controlling Polymorphism and Orientation of NU-901/NU-1000 Metal-Organic Framework Thin Films," Verma, P. K.; Huelsenbeck, L.; Nichols, A. W.; Islamoglu, T.; Heinrich, H.; Machan, C. W.; and Giri, G., Chem. Mater. 32 (24), 10556–10565 (2020) - XRD, SEM and Versaprobe XPS
"An Investigation into the Link Between Microstructure and Pitting Corrosion of Novel Alloy FBB8+Ti," M. Wischhusen, C. Glover, J. Scully, P.K. Liaw, and S. Agnew, in: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (eds) TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham. (2020)
"The Effect of Surface Treatment on the Performance of a Zirconium-Based Conversion Coating on AA7075 Automotive Alloys for Protection Against Filiform Corrosion," C.F. Glover, M.L.C. Lim, and J.R. Scully, in: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (eds) TMS 2020 149th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham. (2020)
"Progress in Understanding the Origins of Excellent Corrosion Resistance in Metallic Alloys: From Binary Polycrystalline Alloys to Metallic Glasses and High Entropy Alloys," A.Y. Gerard, K. Lutton, A. Lucente, G. S. Frankel, J.R. Scully; Corrosion 76 (5): 485–499 (2020)
"Increased Filiform Corrosion Resistance Utilizing a Zirconium-Based Conversion Coating on an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu (AA7075-T6) Alloy as well as Selected Surface Treatments," Carol Glover, Mary Lyn Lim, John Scully, Corrosion (2020)
"Unveiling hermetic failure of ceramic tubes by digital image correlation and acoustic emission," CH Bumgardner, FM Heim, DC Roache, A Jarama, P Xu, R Lu, E.J. Lahoda, B.P. Croom, C.P. Deck and X. Li, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 (3), 2146-2159 (2020)
"Unveiling damage mechanisms of chromium-coated zirconium-based fuel claddings by coupling digital image correlation and acoustic emission," D.C. Roache, A. Jarama, C.H. Bumgardner, F.M. Heim, J. Walters, J. Romero, B. Maier and X. Li, Materials Science and Engineering: A 774, 138850 (2020)
"Multiscale XCT Scans to Study Damage Mechanism in Syntactic Foam," H Jin, B Croom, B Mills, X Li, J Carroll, K Long, J Brown, In: Lin MT. et al. (eds) Advancements in Optical Methods & Digital Image Correlation in Experimental Mechanics, Volume 3. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. Springer, Cham. (2020)
"Analysis of SiC/SiC composites for energy applications at ambient conditions," C.H. Bumgardner, F.M. Heim, D.C. Roache, A. Jarama, M. C. Price, C. P. Deck, and X. Li, J Am Ceram Soc., 00: 1– 11 (2020)
"Interlaboratory Study of Digital Volume Correlation Error Due to X-Ray Computed Tomography Equipment and Scan Parameters: an Update from the DVC Challenge," B. Croom, D. Burden, H. Jin, N.H. Vonk, J.P.M. Hoefnagels, B. Smaniotto, F. Hild, E. Quintana, Q. Sun, X. Nie and X. Li, Exp Mech (2020)
"Prediction of microstructural defects in additive manufacturing from powder bed quality using digital image correlation," J. L. Bartlett, A. Jarama, J. Jones, and X. Li, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 794, 140002 (2020)
"Polyacrylonitrile/Graphene Nanocomposite: Towards the Next Generation of Carbon Fibers," S Rajabpour, Q Mao, Z Gao, MK Talkhoncheh, J Zhu, Y Schwab, M. Kowalik, X. Li, and Adri C.T. van Duin, arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.11985 (2020)
"Converting PBO fibers into carbon fibers by ultrafast carbonization," L Zhang, M Kowalik, Z Gao, CM Ashraf, S Rajabpour, C Bumgardner, Y Schwab, B Damirchi, J Zhu, D Abkarian, J Klett, ACT van Duin, X Li, Carbon, 159: 432-442 (2020)
"Graphene reinforced carbon fibers," Z Gao, J Zhu, S Rajabpour, K Joshi, M Kowalik, B. Croom, Y. Schwab, L. Zhang, C. Bumgardner, K.R. Brown, D. Burden, J. W. Klett, A. C. T. van Duin, L. V. Zhigilei, and X. Li, Science Advances 6 (17), eaaz4191 (2020)
“On the suitability of slow strain rate tensile testing for assessing hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility,” E. Martínez-Pañeda, Z.D. Harris, S. Fuentes-Alonso, J.R. Scully, and J.T. Burns, Corrosion Science, 163, 108291 (2020)
“The effect of hydrogen and aging condition on the deformation and fracture behavior of a precipitation-hardened nickel-base superalloy,” Z.D. Harris, J.J. Bhattacharyya, J.A. Ronevich, S.R. Agnew, and J.T. Burns, Acta Materialia, 186, 616-630, (2020)
“Multiscale assessment of deformation induced by hydrogen environment-assisted cracking in a peak-aged Ni-Cu superalloy,” Z.D. Harris, A.W. Thompson, and J.T. Burns, JOM, 72, 1993-2002, (2020)
"Beta phase distribution in Al-Mg alloys of various composition and temper," M.E. McMahon, R.L. Haines, P.J. Steiner, J.M. Schulte, S.E. Fakler, and J.T. Burns, Corrosion Science, 169, 108618, (2020)
“Assessing the influence of hydrogen on texture evolution in polycrystalline nickel deformed under uniaxial tension,” Z.D. Harris, M.A. Ritzo, J.M. Schulte, S.R. Agnew, and J.T. Burns, Scripta Materialia, vol. 188, 238-243 (2020)
"“Assessing the fatigue crack growth behavior of highly sensitized AA5456-H116 under cathodic polarization,” Z.D. Harris, E.M. Dubas, D.J. Schrock, J.S. Locke, and J.T. Burns, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 792, 139792, (2020)
"On the hydrogen environment-assisted cracking resistance of a compositionally complex Co-Ni-Cr-Fe-Mo-Ti alloy,” Z.D. Harris, K. Guiseva, J.R. Scully, and J.T. Burns, Materials Science and Engineering: A, accepted, in Press (2020)
“Elucidating the loading rate dependence of hydrogen environment-assisted cracking in a Ni-Cu superalloy,” Z.D. Harris, E.M. Dubas, A.S Popernack, B.P. Somerday, and J.T. Burns, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, accepted, in Press (2020)
"Tailoring nanocomposite interfaces with graphene to achieve high strength and toughness," N. Song, Z. Gao, and X. Li, Science Advances 42, 6, eaba7016 (2020)
“Ballistic to Diffusive Thermal Conductance in Ge2Sb2Te4-based Phase Chane Memory”, K. Aryana, J. T. Gaskins, J. Nag, J. C. Read, D. A. Stewart, M. K. Grobis, E. R. Hoglund, D. H. Olson, A. Giri, J. M. Howe, & P. E. Hopkins, Nature Comm., (in review).
“Photoconductive Mechanism of IR Sensitive Iodized PbSe Thin Films via Strong Hole-Phonon Interaction and Minority Carrier Diffusion” M-H. Jang, E. R. Hoglund, et al., Applied Optics 59, no. 33, 10228-10235 (2020)
“Polymersome Poration and Rupture Mediated by Plasmonic Nanoparticles in Response to Single-Pulse Irradiation”, G. M. DiSalvo, A. R. Robinson, M. S. Aly, E. R. Hoglund, S. M. O’Malley, & J. C. Griepenburg, Polymers 12, no. 10, 2381 (in review).
"Self-limiting Electrodeposition of Ni Film onto GaAs for Photoelectrochemical Water Oxidation", Y. Xu, R. Ahmed, J. Zheng, E. Hoglund, Q. Lin, et al., Nano Letters (in review).
"Photoelectrochemistry of Self‐Limiting Electrodeposition of Ni Film onto GaAs," Y. Xu, R. Ahmed, J. Zheng, E. R. Hoglund, Q. Lin, E. Berretti, A. Lavacchi, and G. Zangari, Small 16, 2003112 (2020)
"Electrodeposited white bronzes on brass: Corrosion in 3.5 % sodium chloride solution," E. Berretti, N. Calisi,. A. Capaccioli, L. Capozzoli, A.M.S. Hamouda, A. Giaccherini, W. Giurlani, A. Ienco, S. Martinuzzi, M. Innocenti, U. Waware, S. Virtanen, G. Zangari, R. Ahmed, and A. Lavacchi, Corrosion Science 175, 108898 (2020)
"Water splitting vs. sulfite oxidation: An assessment of photoelectrochemical performance of TiO2 nanotubes modified by CdS/CdSe nanoparticles," R. Ahmed, Y. Xu, and G. Zangari, Electrochimica Acta 259 (2018) 1095e1103 (2020)
"AgPd Nanoparticles for the Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction: Bimetallic Composition-Dependent Ligand and Ensemble Effects," M. Cui, M., G. Johnson, Z. Zhang, S. Li, S. Hwang, X. Zhang, and S. Zhang, Nanoscale, 12 (26), 14068-14075 (2020)
"Shape and drag of irregular angular particles and test dust," B. J. Connolly, E. Loth, C. F. Smith, Powder Technology 363, 275-285 (2020)
“Hot Corrosion of Shipboard Gas Turbine Blades,” K.J. Meisner and E.J. Opila, Oxidation of Metals (2020)
“Part II: Experimental Verification of Computationally Predicted Preferential Oxidation in Refractory High Entropy Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics,” L. Backman, J. Gild, J. Luo, and E.J. Opila, Acta Materialia 197, 81-90 (2020)
“Mixed phase ytterbium silicate environmental barrier coating materials for improved CMAS resistance,” R. Webster and E.J. Opila, Journal of Materials Research 35 [17] 2358-2372 (2020)
“Tailoring Thermal Properties of Multi-component Rare Earth Monosilicates,” M. Ridley, J.T. Gaskins, P.E. Hopkins, and E.J. Opila, Acta Materialia (2020)
“Thermochemical stability and microstructural evolution of Yb2Si2O7 in high-velocity high-temperature water vapor,” M. Ridley and E.J. Opila, Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2020)
“Investigations into the thermal stability of sol-gel derived glasses as models for thermally grown oxides,” B. McFarland and E. Opila, Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2020)
“Identification of a new oxidation/ dissolution mechanism for boria-accelerated SiC Oxidation,” B. McFarland, V.A. Angelici, M. Morales, and E. Opila, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 [9] 5214-5231 (2020)
“Thermochemical Stability of Y2Si2O7 in High-Temperature Water Vapor," R. Golden, K. Mueller, and E. Opila, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 [8] 4517-35 (2020)
“Stability of the Y2O3-SiO2 System in High-Temperature, High-Velocity Water Vapor,” C.G. Parker and E.J. Opila, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 103 [4] 2715-2726 (2020)
"Oxidative Alkenylation of Arenes Using Supported Rh Materials: Evidence that Active Catalysts are Formed by Rh Leaching," Z. Luo, C.A. Whitcomb, N. Kaylor, Y. Zhang, S. Zhang, R. J. Davis, and T. B. Gunnoe, ChemCatChem. (2020)
"Optimization of graphene oxide-modified carbon-fiber microelectrode for dopamine detection," Y. Chang,and B.J. Venton, Analytical Methods 22 (2020)
"Thick Sintered Electrode Lithium-Ion Battery Discharge Simulations: Incorporating Lithiation-Dependent Electronic Conductivity and Lithiation Gradient Due to Charge Cycle," Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 67 140542 (2020)
“Electron and phonon thermal conductivity in high entropy carbides with variable carbon content,” C.M. Rost, T. Borman, Md. D. Hossain, M. Lim, K.F. Quiambao-Tomko, J.A. Tomko, D.W. Brenner, J.-P. Maria, and P.E. Hopkins, Acta Materialia 196, 231-239 (2020)
“Anisotropic thermal conductivity tensor of β-Y2Si2O7 for orientational control of heat flow on micrometer scales,” D.H. Olson, V.A. Avincola, C.G. Parker, J.L. Braun, J.T. Gaskins, J.T., K. Tomko, E.J. Opila,and P.E. Hopkins, Acta Materialia 189, 399-305 (2020)
“The thermal and mechanical properties of hafnium orthosilicate: experiments and first-principles calculations,” Z. Ding, M. Ridley, J. Deijkers, N. Liu, Md. S. B. Hoque, J.T. Gaskins, M. Zebarjadi, P.E. Hopkins, H. Wadley, E. Opila, and K. Esfarjani, Materialia 12, 100793 (2020).
“Tailoring thermal properties of multi-component rare earth monosilicates,” M. Ridley, J.T. Gaskins, P.E. Hopkins, and E.J. Opila, Acta Materialia 195, 698-707 (2020)
“Thermal properties of carbon nitride toward use as an electrode in phase change memory devices,” K. Aryana, J.T. Gaskins, J. Nag, J.C. Read, D.H. Olson, M. Grobis, and P.E. Hopkins, Applied Physics Letters 116, 043502 (2020)
"Modified Crushed Oyster Shells for Fluoride Removal from Water," W. Kim, R. Singh and J. A Smith, Scientific Reports Nature, 10, 5759 (2020)
"Evaluation of Methylene Blue Sorption onto Low-Cost Biosorbents: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Thermodynamics," R. Singh, J. O. Odiyo, T. Singh, J. A. Smith and J. N. Edokpayi, Journal of Chemistry 2020, 8318049 (2020)
"Effect of Chloride Ions on the Point-of-Use Drinking Water Disinfection Performance of Porous Ceramic Media Embedded with Metallic Silver and Copper," R. Singh, W. Kim, J. A. Smith, Water 12, 1625 (2020)
"Modified Oyster Waste Shells as a Value-added Sorbent for Lead Removal," R. Singh and W. Kim., Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - accepted, in revision October (2020)
"Condition-Dependent Pd Speciation and NO Adsorption in Pd/Zeolites," K. Mandal, Y. Gu, K.S. Westendorff, S. Li, J.A. Pihl, L.C. Grabow, W.S. Epling, and C. Paolucci, ACS Catalysis 10, 21, 12801–12818 (2020)
“Tuning Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions in Thin Amorphous Ferrimagnetic Alloys”, Y. Quessab, J.-W. Xu, C. T. Ma, W. Zhou, G. A. Riley, J. M. Shaw, H. T. Nembach, S. J. Poon, and A. D. Kent, Scientific Reports, 10:7447 (2020)
"Nanosecond Pulsed Laser Patterning of Interdigitated Back Contact Heterojunction Silicon Solar Cells," A. Sinha, A. Soman, U. Das, S. Hegedus and M. C. Gupta, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 10, 6, 1648-1656 (2020)
"Hafnium silicate formation during oxidation of a permeable silicon + HfO 2 powder composite system," Jeroen A. Deijkers, Haydn N.G. Wadley, Acta Materialia, 201, 448-461 (2020)
"Hafnium silicate formation during the reaction of β-cristobalite SiO2 and monoclinic HfO2 particles," J.A. Deijkers, and H.N.G. Wadley, HNG, J Am Ceram Soc.103: 5400– 5410 (2020)
"Mechanistic Framework for Understanding pH-Induced Electrode Potential Control of AA2024-T351 by Protective Mg-Based Pigmented Coatings," R. J. Santucci Jr. and J. R. Scully, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167, 13, 131514 (2020)
"Laboratory accelerated and field exposure testing of MgRP and MgORP on AA2024-T351: Chemical and electrochemical protection effects," R.J. Santucci Jr, M.D. Holleman, and J.R.Scully, Surface and Coatings Technology 383, 125245 (2020)
"An RDE Approach to Investigate the Influence of Chromate on the Cathodic Kinetics on 7XXX Series Al Alloys under Simulated Thin Film Electrolytes," U.-E. Charles-Granville, C. Liu, J. R Scully, and R. G Kelly, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (11), 111507 (2020)
"Chemical identification and spatial resolution of bismuth impurities in geological material," Maria Gabriela Sales, Lucas Herweyer, Elizabeth Opila, Stephen McDonnell, Applied Surface Science, 508, 145256 (2020)
"Aqueous passivation of multi-principal element alloy Ni38Fe20Cr22Mn10Co10: Unexpected high Cr enrichment within the passive film," A.Y. Gerard, J. Han, S.J. McDonnell, K. Ogle, E.J. Kautz, D.K. Schreiber, P. Lu, J.E. Saal, G.S. Frankel, and J.R. Scully, Acta Materialia 198, 121-133 (2020)
“Evolution of microstructure and thermal conductivity of multifunctional environmental barrier coating systems,” D.H. Olson, J.A. Deijkers, K. Quiambao-Tomko, J.T. Gaskins, B.T., Richards, E.J. Opila, P.E. Hopkins, and H.N.G. Wadley, Materials Today Physics in Press (2020)
“Molecular tail chemistry controls thermal transport in fullerene films,” A. Giri, S.S. Chou, D.E. Drury, K.Q.Tomko, D.H. Olson, J.T. Gaskins, B. Kaehr, and P.E. Hopkins, P.E.,Physical Review Materials 4, 065404 (2020)
“Laser Crystallization and Dopant Activation of a-Si:H Carrier-Selective Layer in TOPCon Si Solar Cells” G. C. Wilkes, A. D. Upadhyaya, A. Rohatgi, and M. C. Gupta, IEEE J. Photovolt. 10 (5), 1283–1289, (2020)
"Tailoring thermal properties of multi-component rare earth monosilicates," M. Ridley, J. Gaskins, P. Hopkins, and E. Opila, Acta Materialia, 195, 698-707 (2020)
"Thermochemical stability and microstructural evolution of Yb2Si2O7 in high-velocity, high-temperature water vapor," M. Ridley and E. Opila, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, in press (2020)
"Influence of Co on Ethylene Steam Reforming Over Co–Cr–O Spinel Catalysts," L. Yang, M. P. Bukhovko, A. Malek, L. Li, C. W. Jones, P. K. Agrawal, and R. J. Davis Catal Lett, (2020)
"Steam reforming of ethylene over nickel based spinel oxides," L. Yang, M. P. Bukhovko, A. Malek, L. Li, C. W. Jones, P. K. Agrawal, and R. J. Davis, Applied Catalysis A: General, 603, 5117739 (2020)
"On the Morphology Changes of Al and Al-Cu Powder After Laser Melting" J. M. Skelton, C.V. Headley, E. J. Sullivan, J. M. Fitz-Gerald, and J. A. Floro, Metall Mater Trans B 51, 2230–2239 (2020)
"Thin layer cell behavior of CNT yarn and cavity carbon nanopipette electrodes: Effect on catecholamine detection" Z. Shao, P. Puthongkham, K. Hu, R. Jia, M. V. Mirkin, & B. J. Venton, Electrochimica Acta, 361, 137032 (2020)
"Mid-infrared photoresponse of electrodeposited PbSe thin films by laser processing and sensitization" R. Ahmed & M.C. Gupta, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 134, 106299, (2020)
“Electrodeposition of Fe-Ni alloy on Au(111) substrate: Metastable BCC growth via hydrogen evolution and interactions” Q. Lin, E. Hoglund, G. Zangari, Electrochimica Acta 338: 135876 (2020)
"Effect of a liquid environment on single-pulse generation of laser induced periodic surface structures and nanoparticles," C-Y Shih, Iaroslav Gnilitskyi, M. V. Shugaev, E. Skoulas, E. Stratakis and L. V. Zhigilei, Nanoscale 12, 7674-7687 (2020)
"Minimum bactericidal concentration of ciprofloxacin to Pseudomonas aeruginosa determined rapidly based on pyocyanin secretion," Y. Liu, J. H. Moore, G. L. Kolling, J. S. McGrath, J. A. Papin, and N. S. Swami, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 312,127936 (2020)
"Electrodeposition of White Bronzes on the Way to CZTS Absorber Films," L. Fabbri, Y. Sun, E. Piciollo, E. Salvietti, G. Zangari, M. Passaponti, and M. Innocenti , J. Electrochem. Soc. 167, 022513 (2020)
"Rational Compositional Control of Electrodeposited Ag–Fe films," Y. Sun and G. Zangari, Inorganic Chemistry (2020)
"Electrodeposition of Ag-Pd Alloy at Ru Substrate from Simple Acidic Nitrate Bath," Y. Sun, A. Chamaani and G. Zangari, J. Electrochem. Soc. 167, 062506 (2020)
"Characterization of band offsets in AlxIn1-xAsySb1-y alloys with varying Al composition" J. Zheng, A. H. Jones, Y. Tan, A. K. Rockwell, S. March, S. Z. Ahmed, C. A. Dukes, A. W. Ghosh, S. R. Bank, and J. C. Campbell, Applied Physics Letters 115, 122105 (2019) - Versaprobe XPS
"Galvanic Corrosion Between Coated Al Alloy Plate and Stainless Steel Fasteners, Part 1: FEM Model Development and Validation.” R.S. Marshall, R. Kelly, A. Goff, and C. Sprinkle," Corrosion 75(12): 1461–73 (2019) - Hirox Digital Microscope
"Particle clustering effects on damage mechanisms in elastomeric syntactic foams," B.P. Croom, H. Jin, J Carroll, K. Long, and X. Li, Composites Part B: Engineering 175, 107160 (2019)
"Unveiling carbon ring structure formation mechanisms in polyacrylonitrile-derived carbon fibers," J Zhu, Z Gao, M Kowalik, K Joshi, CM Ashraf, MI Arefev, Y Schwab, C. Bumgardner, K. Brown, D. E. Burden, L. Zhang, J.W. Klett, L.V. Zhigilei, A. C. T. van Duin, and X. Li, ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (45), 42288-42297 (2019)
"Converting eggs to flexible, all-solid supercapacitors," Y Zhang, J He, Z Gao, and X Li, Nano Energy 65, 104045 (2019)
"Collaborative ductile rupture mechanisms of high-purity copper identified by in situ X-ray computed tomography," B. P. Croom, H. Jin, P. J. Noell, B. L. Boyce, and X. Li, Acta Materialia 181, 377-384 (2019)
"Molecular Architecture Directs Linear–Bottlebrush–Linear Triblock Copolymers to Self-Assemble to Soft Reprocessable Elastomers," S. Nian, H. Lian, Z. Gong, M. Zhernenkov, J. Qin, and L-H. Cai, ACS Macro Lett 8, 11, 1528–1534 (2019)
“Thermal Conductivity and Phonon Scattering Processes of ALD Grown PbTe–PbSe Thermoelectric Thin Films”, M. E DeCoster, X. Chen, K. Zhang, C. M Rost, E. R. Hoglund, et al., Adv. Funct. Mate 29, 1904073-8 (2019)
“Nanoscale Mapping of the Electron Density at Al Grain Boundaries and Correlation with Grain-Boundary Energy”, P. Nandi, X. Sang, E. R. Hoglund, et al., Phys. Rev. Materials 3, no. 5, 053805-7 (2019)
"(Photo) electrochemical water oxidation at anodic TiO2nanotubesmodified by electrodeposited NiFe oxy-hydroxides catalysts," Yin Xu, Rasin Ahmed, Qiyuan Lin, Giovanni Zangari, Electrochimica Acta 308, 91-98 (2019)
"Mechanism of histamine oxidation and electropolymerization at carbon electrodes," P. Puthongkham, S.T. Lee, and B.J. Venton, Analytical chemistry, 91(13), 8366-8373 (2019)
"Drag and Bounce of Irregular Particles and Test Dust" B. J. Connolly, E. Loth, and C. F. Smth, AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2019 Forum - August (2019)
"Optimization of silver ion release from porous silver-ceramic media for household-level water purification," R. Singh, C. Rento, V. Son, S. Turner, and J. A. Smith. Water 11(4), 816 (2019)
"Investigation of an irreversible NOx storage degradation Mode on a Pd/BEA passive NOx adsorber," Y. Gu, R.P. Zelinsky, Y.-R. Chen, and W.S. Epling, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 258, 118032 (2019)
"Critical Evaluation of P-Type Doping Effects in Bi-Sb Alloys”, X. Hu, S. Gao, and S. J. Poon, AIP Advances 9, 075321 (2019)
“High Entropy Alloys Mined from Phase Diagrams”, J. Qi, A. M. Cheung, and S. J. Poon, Scientific Reports, 9:15501 (2019)
“Half Heusler Compounds: Promising Materials for Mid-to-High Temperature Thermoelectric Conversion”, S J. Poon, J. Physics D: Appl. Phys. 52, 493001 (2019)
"Scientific Investigation of the Corrosion Performance of Magnesium and Magnesium Oxide Primers on Al Alloy 2024-T351 in Field Exposures," R.J. Santucci Jr., B. Kannan, W. Abbott, and J.R. Scully, Corrosion, 75(5):440-456 (2019)
“Improved Thermoelectric Performance of Eco-Friendly b-FeSi2–SiGe Nanocomposite via Synergistic Hierarchical Structuring, Phase Percolation and Selective Doping," N. Liu, S.E. Rezaei, W.A. Jensen, S. Song, Z. Ren, K. Esfarjani, M. Zebarjadi, and J.A. Floro, Adv. Funct. Mater. 1903157 (2019).
“Hierarchical structure and the origins of coercivity in exchange-coupled Co-Pt nanochessboards”, J.A. Floro, E.P. Vetter, P. Ghatwai, L.D. Geng, Y.M. Jin, and W.A. Soffa, J. Magn. and Magn. Mater. 487, 165313 (2019)
“Thermoelectric transport at F4TCNQ-silicon interface”, N. Liu, J. Peters, A. Ramu, J. A. Floro, J. E. Bowers and M. Zebarjadi, APL Mater. 7, 021104 (2019).
“Enhanced figure of merit in bismuth-antimony fine-grained alloys at cryogenic temperatures,” S. Gao, J.T. Gaskins, X. Hu, K. Tomko, P.E. Hopkins, and S.J. Poon, Scientific Reports 9, 14892 (2019).
"Phase Separation in Electrodeposited Ag-Pd Alloy Films from Acidic Nitrate Bath," S. Yunkai, and G. Zangari, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 166.8 (2019)
"Steam reforming of ethylene over manganese-chromium spinel oxides," L. Yang, G. Brezicki, M. P. Bukhovko, A. Malek, L. Li, C. W. Jones, P. K. Agrawal, and R. J. Davis, J. Catal. 380 224–235 (2019)
"Appearance of a Td* phase across the Td−1T′ phase boundary in the Weyl semimetal MoTe2," Y. Tao, J. A. Schneeloch, C. Duan, M. Matsuda, S. E. Dissanayake, A. A. Aczel, J. A. Fernandez-Baca, F. Ye, and D. Louca, Phys. Rev. B 100, 100101(R) (2019)
"Ultrathin-Body TiO2Thin Film Transistors With Record On-Current Density, ON/OFF Current Ratio, and Subthreshold Swing via O2 Annealing,” J. Zhang, M. G. Sales, G. Lin, P. Cui, P. Pepin, J. M. Vohs, S. Mcdonnell & Y. Zeng, IEEE Electron Device Letters 40, 9, 1463 -1466 (2019)
“High performance anatase-TiO2 thin film transistors with a two-step oxidized TiO2 channel and plasma enhanced atomic layer-deposited ZrO2 gate dielectric,” J. Zhang, P. Cui, G. Lin, Y. Zhang, M. G. Sales, M. Jia, Z. Li, C. Goodwin, T. Beebe, L. Gundlach, C. Ni, S. McDonnell & Y. Zeng, Appl. Phys. Express 12 096502 (2019)
“The effect of electrode potential on stress corrosion cracking in highly sensitized Al-Mg alloys”, M.E. McMahon, Z.D. Harris, J.R. Scully, and J.T. Burns, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 767, 138399 (2019)
“Tuning the electrical properties of WSe2 via O2 plasma oxidation: towards lateral homojunctions.” A. N. Hoffman, M. G. Stanford, M. G. Sales, C. Zhang, I. N Ivanov, S. J. McDonnell, D. G. Mandrus & P. D. Rack, 2D Mater. 6 045024 (2019)
“Lithographically patterned metallic conduction in single-layer MoS2 via plasma processing,” M. G. Stanford, Y-C. Lin, M. G. Sales, A. N. Hoffman, C. T. Nelson, K. Xiao, S. McDonnell & P. D. Rack, Nature: 2D Materials and Applications 3, 13 (2019)
"MoS2 cleaning by acetone and UV-ozone: Geological and synthetic material," K. M. Freedy, M. G. Sales, P. M. Litwin, S. Krylyuk, P. Mohapatra, A. Ismach, A. V. Davydov, & S. J. McDonnell, Applied Surface Science 478, 183-188. (2019)
"Mechanism of Histamine Oxidation and Electropolymerization at Carbon Electrodes," P. Puthongkham, S.T. Lee, & B.J. Venton, Anal. Chem. 91, 8366-8373. (2019)
“The effect of isothermal heat treatment on hydrogen environment-assisted cracking susceptibility in Monel K-500”, Z.D. Harris and J.T. Burns, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 764, 138249 (2019)
"Nanodiamond Coating Improves the Sensitivity and Antifouling Properties of Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes", P. Puthongkham & B.J. Venton, ACS Sens. (2019)
"Mechanistic Studies of Single-Step Styrene Production Catalyzed by Rh Complexes with Diimine Ligands: An Evaluation of the Role of Ligands and Induction Period, " W. Zhu, Z. Luo, J. Chen, C. Liu, L. Yang, D. A. Dickie, N. Liu, S. Zhang, R. J. Davis, & T. B. Gunnoe, ACS Catalysis 9, 7457−7475 (2019)
"Ring Size Effects on Multi-Stimuli Responsive Luminescent Properties of Cyclic Amine Substituted ß-Diketones and Difluoroboron Complexes," F. Wang, D. Song, D. A. Dickie, & C.L. Fraser, Chem. Asian J. 14, 1849 –1859 (2019)
"Synthesis of TiO2-based nanocomposites by anodizing and hydrogen annealing for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation," Y. Xu, Q. Lin, R. Ahmed, E.R. Hoglund & G. Zangari, J. Power Sources 410-411, 59-68 (2019)
"Improving photo-oxidation activity of water by introducing Ti3+ in self-ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays treated with Ar/NH3," Y. Xu, R. Ahmed, D. Klein, S. Cap, K. Freedy, S. McDonnell & G. Zangari, J. Power Sources 414, 242-249 (2019)
"The effect of pit size and density on the fatigue behavior of a precorroded martensitic stainless steel,” M.D. McMurtrey, D.E. Mills, J.T. Burns, Fatigue & Fracture of Eng Mat Struct 42, 3-18 (2019)
"Corrosion modified fatigue analysis for next-generation damage-tolerant management," N. Brown, B. Clark, P. Kramer, N. Easter C. Co, F. Friedersdorf, & J. Burns, Corrosion Reviews, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/corrrev-2019-0037 (2019)
"Development of new criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of Zn-rich primers in protecting Al-Mg alloys," M.E. McMahon, J.T. Burns, & J.R. Scully, Progress in Organic Coatings 135, 392-409 (2019)
"Examination of focused ion beam-induced damage during platinum deposition in the near-surface region of an aerospace aluminum alloy," A.W. Thompson, Z.D. Harris, and J.T. Burns, Micron 118, 43-49 (2019)
"Low-temperature laser-generated ultrathin aluminum oxide layers for effective c-Si surface passivation," P. Fan, Z. Sun, G. C. Wilkes, & M. C. Gupta, Applied Surface Science 480, 35–42 (2019)
“Studying the Influence of Mg Content on the Microstructure and Associated Localized Corrosion Behaviour of Zn-Mg PVD Coatings using SVET-TLI”, R. Bolton, T. Dunlop, J. Sullivan, J. Searle, H. Heinrich, R. Westerwaal, C. Boelsma, & G. Williams, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166 (11), C3305-C3315 (2019).
“Nano-scale Mapping of the Electron Density at Al Grain Boundaries and Correlation with Grain Boundary Energy”, P. Nandi, R. R. Unocic, X. Sang, D. Molodov and J. M. Howe, Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 053805 (2019)
"Stability of hydrated carbonates on Ceres," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, C.A. Dukes, O. Ruesch, L.A. McFadden, & J-Y. Li, Icarus 320, 136-149 (2019)
"Growth, morphology and crystal structure of electrodeposited Bi2Se3 films: Influence of the substrate," R. Ahmed, Q. Lin, Y. Xu, & G. Zangari, Electrochim. Acta 299, 654-662 (2019)
“Metal-Organic Frameworks as Porous Templates for Enhanced Cobalt Oxide Electrocatalyst Performance”, L. Huelsenbeck, S.L. Hone, A. Ghorbanpour, A.M. Conley, H. Heinrich, C.W. Machan, and G. Giri, Amer. Chem. Soc. 2, 5 3306-3313 (2019)
"Photoelectrochemical Activity of CdS/CdSe Deposited onto TiO2 Photoanodes: Comparing Performance with vs. without Sacrificial Reagents," R. Ahmed, Y. Xu and G. Zangari, ECS Trans. 85 1031 (2018)
"Atmospheric and Long-term Aging Effects on the Electrical Properties of Variable Thickness WSe2 Transistors," A. N. Hoffman, M. G. Stanford, C. Zhang, I. N. Ivanov, A. D. Oyedele, M. G. Sales, S. J. McDonnell, M. R. Koehler, D. G. Mandrus, L. Liang, B. G. Sumpter, K. Xiao, & P. D. Rack, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (42), 36540-36548 (2018)
"Fatigue crack propagation of aerospace aluminum alloy 7075-T651 in high altitude environments," J. T. Burns, J.J. Jones, A.D. Thompson, J.S. Warner-Locke, Internat. J. Fatigue 106, 196-207 (2018)
"Data science analysis of the macro-scale features governing the corrosion to crack transition in AA7050-T745," N.E. Co, D.E. Brown, & J.T. Burns, JOM-US 70(7), 1168-1174 (2018)
“The effect of crack wake roughness on the environmentally assisted fatigue behavior of aerospace Al-alloy in low moisture environments," J.J. Jones, M.D. McMurtrey, L.B. Brown, J.T. Burns, Eng Fract Mech 199; 343-357 (2018)
“Elucidating the contribution of mobile hydrogen-deformation interactions to hydrogen-induced intergranular cracking in polycrystalline nickel”, Z.D. Harris, Lawrence SK, Medlin DL, Guetard G, Burns JT, & Somerday BP, Acta Mater 158, 180-192 (2018)
"Laser Annealing of TiO2 Electron-Transporting Layer in Perovskite Solar Cells," G. C. Wilkes, X. Deng, J. J. Choi, & M. C. Gupta, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 41312−41317 (2018)
"Search for Sulfates on the Surface of Ceres," C. Bu, G. Rodriguez Lopez, C.A. Dukes, O. Ruesch, L.A. McFadden, & J-Y Li, Meteor. Planet. Sci. 53 (DAWN Ceres issue), 9, 1946-1960 (2018)
"Synthesis and Material Properties of Bi2Se3 Nanostructures Deposited by SILAR," R. Ahmed, Y. Xu, M. G. Sales, Q. Lin, S. McDonnell, & G. Zangari, J. Phys. Chem. C 122, 12052−12060 (2018)
"Synthesis of TiO2-based nanocomposites by anodizing and hydrogen annealing for efficient photoelectrochemical water oxidation," Y. Xu, Q. Lin, R. Ahmed, E. R. Hoglund, & G. Zangari, J. Power Sources 410-411, 59-68 (2018)
"Growth of SiGe epitaxial quantum dots on patterned Si (001) surfaces by in situ annealing of initially conformal layers," J.M Amatya, H.H. Heinrich, J. Tersoff, & J.A. Floro, J. Applied Phys. 124, 204302 (2018)
“Momentum Resolved EELS of Plasmons at Al Grain Boundaries without a q-Slit Aperture”, E. R. Hoglund and J. M. Howe, Micros. Microanal., 24(S1), 466 (2018).
“Dynamic HRTEM Observation of Metastable Cu Island Formation at a Solid Si - Liquid Al Interface”, M. M. Schneider and J. M. Howe, Acta Mater., 133, 224 (2017).
“Room Temperature Processing of TiOx Electron Transporting Layer for Perovskite Solar Cells,” X. Deng, G. C. Wilkes, A. Chen, N. Prasad, M. C. Gupta, and J. J. Choi, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 3206–3210 (2017).
“The interaction of corrosion fatigue and stress corrosion cracking in a precipitation-hardened martensitic stainless steel”, J.R. Donahue, A.B. Lass, J.T. Burns, Nature: Materials Degradation, Article 11 (2017)
“The effect of heat-to-heat variations in metallurgy and hydrogen-metal interactions on the hydrogen embrittlement of Monel K-500”, B.C. Rincon-Troconis, Z.D. Harris, H. Ha, J.T. Burns, J.r. Scully, Mater Sci Eng A, 703, 533-550 (2017)
“Mitigation of intergranular stress corrosion cracking in Al-Mg by electrochemical potential control," M.E. McMahon, J.R. Scully, & J.T. Burns, JOM-US 69 (8); 1389-1397 (2017)
“Effects of macro-scale corrosion damage feature on fatigue crack initiation and fatigue behavior," N.E. Co & J.T. Burns, Int J Fatigue 103; 234-247 (2017)
“The effect of temper and composition on the stress corrosion cracking of Al-Mg alloys,” M.E. McMahon, P. Steiner, A. Lass, & J.T. Burns, Corrosion 73(4), 347-361 (2017)
“The effect of loading orientation on the stress corrosion cracking of Al-Mg alloys”, M.E. McMahon, P. Steiner, A. Lass, & J.T. Burns, Corrosion 73(6); 713-723 (2017)
“Fracture mechanics modeling of constant- and variable amplitude fatigue behavior of field corroded 7075-T6511 aluminum," M.D. McMurtrey, D. Bae, J.T. Burns, Fat Fract Eng Mater Struct 40, 605-622 (2017)
"High-Temperature Delamination Mechanisms of Thermal Barrier Coatings: In-situ Digital Image Correlation and Finite Element Analyses," CH Bumgardner, BP Croom, and X Li, Acta Materializa, 128; 54-63 (2017)
“High-Energy Electron Emission from Metallic Nano-tips Driven by Intense Single-Cycle THz Pulses,” Sha Li and R.R. Jones, Nature Communications 7, 13405 (2016).
“Examination of the Electronic Structure of Crystalline and Liquid Al Versus Temperature by In-situ Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)”, P. Palanisamy,M. de Jong, M. Asta and J. M. Howe, Micron, 76, 14 (2015)
"Defect controlled transverse compressive strength of polyethylene fiber laminates," M.R. O'Masta, V.S. Despande, & H.N.G. Wadley, International J. Solids and Structures 52, 130-149 (2015)
"Unveiling Ultra-high Temperature Wear and Indentation Damage Mechanisms of Thermal Barrier Coatings," CH Bumgardner, X Li, JOM, 67: 2921-2933 (2015)
“Acoustic Harmonic Generation from Fatigue-Generated Dislocation Substructures in Copper Single Crystals”, T. M. Apple, J. H. Cantrell, W. T. Yost, C. M. Amaro, C. R. Mayer,S. R. Agnew and J. M. Howe,Philos. Mag., 93, 2802 (2013)
“In-Situ Observation of Cu Segregation and Phase Nucleation at a Solid-Liquid Interface in an Al Alloy”, P. Palanisamy and J. M. Howe, Acta Mater., 61, 4339 (2013)
“Reversible Mechanochromic Luminescence of Solid-State Difluoroboron Avobenzone”, Zhang, G.; Lu, J.; Sabat, M.; Fraser C.L .J. Am.Chem. Soc ., (2010) 132, 2160.
"Luminescence of Y2SiO5:Ce Nanocrystalline Thin Films" E. Coetsee, J. J. Terblans, H. C. Swart, J. M. Fitz-Gerald and J. R. Botha. e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Vol. 7 (2009) pp.369-374
"Laser ablation of energetic polymer solutions: effect of viscosity and fluence on the splashing behavior" Romain Fardel, Lukas Urech, Thomas Lippert, Claude Phipps, James M. Fitz-Gerald, Alexander Wokaun Appl Phys A Materials Science & Engineering (2009) 94, p. 657–665
"Influence of macro segregation on hydrogen environment embrittlement of SUS 316L stainless steel" Thorsten Michler, Yongwon Lee, Richard P. Gangloff, Joerg Naumann. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 34 3201–3209 (2009)
"Dendritic Growth and Morphology Selection in Copper Electrodeposition from Acidic Sulfate Solutions Containing Chlorides" Wenbo Shao and Giovanni Zangari. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113 (23), pp 10097–10102
"Fatigue crack formation and growth from localized corrosion in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu" Sangshik Kim, James T. Burns, Richard P. Gangloff. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 76 (2009) 651–667
“Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Fibers and Thermoreversible Gels in Non-Polar Media by a Propargylic Alcohol with Fluorinated and Non-Fluorinated Aromatic Rings.“ Borges, A.R.; Hyacinth, M.A.; Lum, M.; Dingle, C.M.; Hamilton, P.L.; Chruszcz, M.; Pu, L.; Sabat, M.; Caran, K.L. Langmuir 24 (2008) 7421.
"Effect of Ni as a minority alloying element on the corrosion behavior in Al–Cu–Mg–(Ni) metallic glasses" T. Aburada,* N. U¨ nlu¨ , J.M. Fitz-Gerald, G.J. Shiflet and J.R. Scully Scripta Materialia 58 (2008) 623–626
"Generation of surface features in films deposited by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation: the effects of the stress confinement and droplet landing velocity" Aaron Sellinger, Elodie Leveugle, James M. Fitz-Gerald, Leonid V. Zhigilei Appl Phys A Materials Science & Engineering (2008) 92: 821–829
"Synthesis of multimetallic nanoparticles using a solution-based pulsed laser deposition approach" A.T. Sellinger, T. Aburada, and J.M. Fitz-Gerald SPIE Vol. 7005 700516-2 (2008)
"Effect of substrate temperature on poly(methyl methacrylate) nanocomposite thin films deposited by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation" A.T. Sellinger, A.H. Martin, J.M. Fitz-Gerald. Thin Solid Films 516 (2008) p6033–6040
"Environmental Fatigue-Crack Surface Crystallography for Al-Zn-Cu-Mg-Mn/Zr" YUNJO RO, SEAN R. AGNEW, and RICHARD P. GANGLOFF. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A VOLUME 39A, JUNE 2008—1449
"Aqueous depletion of Mg from olivine surfaces enhanced by ion irradiation" E. D. Cantando, C. A. Dukes, M. J. Loeffler, and R. A. Baragiola JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH VOL. 113, E0901, 2008
"Laboratory simulations of sulfur depletion at Eros" M.J. Loeffler, C.A. Dukes, W.Y. Changa, L.A. McFadden, R.A. Baragiola, Icarus 195 (2008) 622–629
"Grain size effects on the tensile properties and deformation mechanisms of a magnesium alloy, AZ31B sheet 3 4" A. Jain, O. Duygulu, D.W. Brown, C.N. Tom, S.R. Agnew. Materials Science and Engineering: A Volume 486, Issues 1-2, 15 July 2008, Pages 545-555
"Photo-chemical synthesis and deposition of noble metal nanoparticles" C.E. Allmond, A.T. Sellinger, K. Gogick and J.M. Fitz-Gerald. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, Volume 86, Number 4, p477-480 (2007)
"Ejection of matrix-polymer clusters in matrix-assisted laser evaporation: Experimental observations" Aaron T. Sellinger, Elodie Leveugle, Kristy Gogick, Guillaume Peman, Leonid V. Zhigilei, and James M. Fitz-Gerald. IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 59 (2007) 314–317 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/59/1/066 Eighth International Conference on Laser Ablation
"Scanning electron and cathodoluminescence imaging of thin film Lu2SiO5 :Ce scintillating materials" by J.M. Fitz-Gerald and P. D. Rack, J. D. Peak, and C. L. Melcher. Applied Physics Letters 91, 244102 (2007)
"Novel wet SEM imaging of organically modified montmorillonite clay dispersions" J. Li, J.M. Fitz-Gerald, J.P. Oberhauser. Appl. Phys. A Materials Science & Processing, 87, 97–102 (2007)
"Crystallography of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Precipitation Hardened Al-Cu-Mg/Li" YunJo Ro, Sean R. Agnew and Richard P. Gangloff. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 3042—VOLUME 38A, DECEMBER 2007
"Hardening evolution of AZ31B Mg sheet "3 X.Y. Lou, M. Li, R.K. Boger, S.R. Agnew, R.H. Wagoner. International Journal of Plasticity Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 44-86
"Thin film rf magnetron sputtering of gadolinium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet ultraviolet emitting materials" Y. Deng a,*, J.D. Fowlkes a, P.D. Rack a, J.M. Fitz-Gerald b Optical Materials 29 (2006) 183–191
"High-resolution three-dimensional reconstruction: A combined scanning electron microscope and focused ion-beam approach" R. K. Bansal, A. Kubis, R. Hull, and J. M. Fitz-Gerald. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 24, 2 (2006)
"Non-aggregated Pd nanoparticles deposited onto catalytic supports" C.E. Allmond, V.P. Oleshko, J.M. Howe, J.M. Fitz-Gerald Applied Physics A –Materials Science & Processing, 82, p.675–678 (2006)
"Ultraviolet emitting (Y1−xGdx)2O3−δ thin films deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering: Combinatorial modeling, synthesis, and rapid characterization" J.D. Fowlkes, J.M. Fitz-Gerald, P.D. Rack Thin Solid Films 510 (2006) 68–76
"Matrix assisted pulsed laser deposition of light emitting polymer thin films" J.M. Fitz-gerald, G. Jennings, R. Johnson, C. Fraser. Applied Physics. A Materials Science & Processing (2005) 80, 5, p.1109
"Laser Surface Modification of a Crystalline Al-Co-Ce Alloy for Enhanced Coroosion Resistance" J.G. Hoekstra, S. B. Qadri, J.R. Scully, and J. M. Fitz-Gerald. Advanced Engineering Materials (2005), 7, No 9
"Pulsed laser deposition vs. matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation for growth of biodegradable polymer thin films" A.L. Mercado, C.E. Allmond, J.G. Hoekstra, J.M. Fitz-Gerald. Applied Physics A – Materials Science & Processing, 81, 591–599 (2005)
"Laboratory simulations of redeposition of impact ejecta on mineral surfaces" M.J. Loeffler, R.A. Baragiolaa, M. Murayama. Icarus 196 (2008) 285–292
"Cathodoluminescence and its temperature dependence in Tm-doped AlxGa1–xN thin films" D. S. Lee, A. J. Steck, P. D. Rack, and J. M. Fitz-Gerald. Phys. Stat. Sol. 2, No. 7, 2765–2769 (2005)
"Plastic anisotropy and the role of non-basal slip in magnesium alloy AZ31B" Sean R. Agnew, O¨ zgu¨ Duygulu. International Journal of Plasticity 21 (2005) 1161–1193
"Study of slip mechanisms in a magnesium alloy by neutron diffraction and modeling" S.R. Agnew a, C.N. Tom e b, D.W. Brown b, T.M. Holden b, S.C. Vogel b. Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) p 1003–1008
Contact Us
Catherine Dukes
Catherine Dukes directs the Laboratory for Astrophysics and Surface Physics (LASP) and provides expertise in X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) for the University of Virginia's Nanoscale Materials Characterization Facility (NMCF). Her NSF and NASA funded research focuses on the interaction of radiation with surfaces.

Richard White
Richard White is the NMCF Laboratory Manager and Electron Microscopy & Metallurgy Specialist. He specializes in Scanning Electron Microscopy imaging and compositional analysis; Optical Microscopy; Hardness Measurements; and Metallurgical Techniques for SEM and TEM.