
The Electrical and Computer Engineering faculty shown below include professors, associate professors, and assistant professors with primary and joint appointments. To view additional faculty (courtesy, emeritus and visiting), select the "Find Faculty by Appointment" tab to filter results.
  • Omid Noroozian

    Visiting Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
    portrait Dr. Noroozian
    Dr. Noroozian is a civil servant electro-optical detectors systems engineer in the Detector Systems branch (code 553) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. His research is centered around developing low-noise electro-optical instrumentation and detector technologies for…
  • Harry C. Powell Jr.

    Professor, Academic General Faculty Teaching Track, Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Chair for Undergraduate Programs
    Harry C. Powell Jr. Headshot

    Dr. Powell is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia. He was an active research and design engineer, focusing on automation, embedded systems, remote control, and electronic/mechanical co-design techniques before getting his Ph.D in 2011 and holds 16 patents in these areas. 

  • Michael Reed

    Visiting Professor, Electrical Engineering Associate Vice President, Westlake University
    Michael Reed headshot
    Michael Reed is currently on leave from UVA, serving as Associate Vice President of Westlake University in Hangzhou, China. He has held appointments at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Carnegie-Mellon University, University of Twente, ETH Zürich, and the Albert Ludwigs Universität…
  • Gustavo Kunde Rohde

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Gustavo Rohde headshot photo

    Dr. Rohde, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering, develops computational predictive models with applications in pathology, radiology, systems biology, and mobile sensing. He earned a B.S. degree 1999, M.S. degree in in 2001 from Vanderbilt University, and a doctorate in 2005 from the University of Maryland.

  • Cong Shen

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Cong Shen Headshot

    Cong Shen has extensive industry experience at Qualcomm Research, SpiderCloud Wireless, Silvus Technologies, and Xsense.ai. His general research interests are machine learning and wireless communications. His current research focuses on multi-armed bandit, reinforcement learning, federated learning, and their engineering applications.

  • Nikhil Shukla

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
    Nikhil Shukla

    Nikhil Shukla is an Assistant Professor at University of Virginia with a joint appointment in the ECE and the Materials Science and Engineering department.

  • Nikolaos Sidiropoulos

    Louis T. Rader Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Nikos Sidiropoulos earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland–College Park, in 1992.

  • Mircea R. Stan

    Director of Computer Engineering Virginia Microelectronics Consortium (VMEC) Professor
    Currently Recruiting
    Mircea R. Stan

    Mircea R. Stan is teaching and doing research in the areas of AI hardware, Processing in Memory, Cyber-Physical Systems, Computational RFID, Low Power, Spintronics, and Nanoelectronics.

  • Ye (Sarah) Sun

    Associate Professor
    Sarah Sun

    Sun joined UVA as an associate professor in 2021. Prior to her position at UVA, Sun was an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Technological University.

  • Nathan Swami

    Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Nathan Swami

    Nathan Swami is a Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.