41 Results found for: Position

  • Daniel Abebayehu, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Daniel Abebayehu headshot

    Using biomaterials to investigate immune cell-fibroblast crosstalk during tissue fibrosis and regeneration in order to better understand disease pathogenesis and identify new therapeutic targets.

  • Huiwang Ai

    Associate Professor of Physiology & Biophysics, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering
    Huiwang Ai headshot photo

    Huiwang Ai is an Associate Professor of Physiology & Biophysics, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia. Dr. Ai received his B.S. from Tsinghua University in 2003 and his Ph.D. from University of Alberta in 2008.

  • Timothy E. Allen, Ph.D.

    Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Biomedical Engineering Director, NSF REU in Multiscale Systems Bioengineering and Biomedical Data Sciences
    Timothy Allen, Professor of Bioemedical Engineering

    Timothy E. Allen teaches and mentors students in the areas of computational modeling of complex biological systems, molecular and cell biology assays, and medical device design.

  • Sameer Bajikar, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Departments of Cell Biology and Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    portrait of assistant professor Sameer Bajikar

    Sameer Bajikar uses multidisciplinary approaches from human stem cells to computational models to understand how brain function goes awry in neurodevelopmental disorders to engineer new therapies for these diseases.

  • Thomas H. Barker, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Thomas H Barker, Professor of Bioemedical Engineering

    Thomas Barker explores and therapeutically exploits the fundamental links between fibroblast adaptation to their physical and biochemical microenvironment and their myofibroblastic differentiation during tissue repair, fibrosis and cancer.

  • Shannon Barker, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program Director
    Portrait of Shannon Barker
    Shannon Barker, Ph.D., focuses on ensuring that the BME undergraduate program's educational objectives and learning outcomes, as well as its curriculum, reflect an innovative and highly effective learning environment that meets the needs of all of its students, as well as employers…
  • Bryan Berger

    Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Headshot of Bryan Berger

    Bryan received and his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Delaware. He was a post-doctoral fellow in the department of biochemistry & biophysics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Currently Bryan is associate professor of chemical engineering with a joint appointment in biomedical engineering.

  • Silvia Salinas Blemker, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Professor Silvia Blemker, UVA Biomedical Engineering

    Silvia Blemker uses experimental and computational models to characterize the relationships between muscle structure, biomechanical properties, biology, and function in order to develop new treatments for musculoskeletal disease

  • Philip E. Bourne, Ph.D.

    Founding Dean, School of Data Science Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Philip E. Bourne headshot

    Philip E. Bourne leads a range of initiatives to encourage and facilitate the use of big data in large-scale research across the scientific and technological disciplines, with special emphasis on structural bioinformatics and systems pharmacology.

  • Liheng Cai

    Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering (by courtesy) Assistant Professor of Chemistry (by courtesy)
    Currently Recruiting
    Liheng Cai

    My lab’s research lies at the interface of soft (bio)materials and biology. We seek to understand and control the interactions between soft (bio)materials and living systems to solve challenges in sustainability and health. We do this using a combination of experimental and theoretical approaches.

  • Steven R. Caliari

    Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering ChE Graduate Program Director
    Steven R. Caliari

    The Caliari Lab designs, synthesizes, and characterizes new biomaterials to explore the dynamic interplay between cells and their microenvironment, applying these platforms to address fundamental human health challenges in understanding disease and engineering tissues.

  • David Chen

    Managing Director, Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research Assistant Dean for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Partnerships, UVA Engineering Professor of Practice, Biomedical Engineering
    David Chen Headshot

    David Chen is the founding Managing Director of the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research at the University of Virginia and Professor of Practice in Biomedical Engineering.

  • George Joseph Christ, Ph.D.

    Commonwealth Professor of Engineering Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Orthopaedic Surgery
    Currently Recruiting
    George Joseph Christ Headshot

    George Joseph Christ, Ph.D., develops basic and translational tissue engineering and regenerative medicine approaches to organ and tissue repair, reconstruction and replacement, with a focus on the musculoskeletal system, vasculature and lower urinary tract. Dr. Christ is an internationally recognized expert in muscle physiology.

  • Sepideh Dolatshahi, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    portrait of assistant professor Sepideh Dolatshahi
    Research in the Dolatshahi lab combines multiplex experimental measurements with computational methods (including statistical machine learning, network inference, information theory, signal processing and kinetic-dynamic modeling) to solve problems in the context of cancer, infectious…
  • Frederick H. Epstein, Ph.D.

    Mac Wade Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology and Medical Imaging Associate Vice President for Research, University of Virginia
    Currently Recruiting
    headshot of Frederick Epstein

    Dr. Epstein is a world leader in advancing MRI myocardial strain imaging by developing and applying the cine DENSE (displacement encoding using stimulated echoes) MRI method.

  • Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Mohammad Fallahi-Sichani, PhD

    Dr. Fallahi-Sichani leads a Systems Biology research program aiming to discover the fundamental mechanisms through which human cancer cells respond heterogeneously to environmental and therapeutic perturbations.

  • Brent A. French, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Portrait of Brent Frencch

    Brent A. French combines advanced methods of targeted drug and gene delivery with biomedical imaging in vivo to explore novel targets and treatment strategies in cardiovascular disease. Research interests of the Molecular Bioengineering Lab focus on developing new, more effective strategies for treating and preventing human disease.

  • Donald Richieri Griffin, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering & Chemical Engineering Graduate Program Director, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Donald Richieri Griffin Headshot

    Donald Griffin improves clinical translation of acellular and cellular therapies through enhanced hydrogel-tissue integration, specifically focusing on the development of passive and active instructional microenvironments using microscale building blocks.

  • William H. Guilford, Ph.D.

    Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs, School of Engineering and Applied Science Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    William Guilford headshot

    My lab uses molecular biomechanics and engineering design to better understand movement of single cells and to improve the treatment of human disease. We also study human learning and use that knowledge to improve the delivery of core courses in biomedical engineering.

  • Brian P. Helmke, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    portrait of Brian Helmke Associate Professor

    Brian Helmke researches the relationship between cell mechanics and cell function using new tools in materials science and molecular biology, with a focus on cardiovascular disease. His laboratory employs a multidisciplinary biomedical engineering approach to understand the relationship between intracellular mechanics and cell function.

  • Christopher B. Highley, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Chemical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Christopher B. Highley Headshot

    Christopher Highley develops materials and fabrication technologies to enable the design and construction of complex cellular and material systems, with the goal of addressing fundamental and translational problems in biomedicine. 

  • Mathews Jacob

    Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    mathews jacob

    Mathews Jacob is is an expert in machine learning algorithms for biomedical imaging. He develops advance magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods for brain, lung, and heart applications.

  • Kevin Janes, Ph.D.

    John Marshall Money Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Portrait of Kevin Janes

    Kevin Janes designs and uses systems bioengineering approaches to analyze cell signaling and transcriptional networks in cancer and infectious disease.

  • Kimberly A. Kelly, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Kimberly A. Kelly

    Kimberly Kelly uses computational methods and bioinformatics to develop more effective and less toxic cancer drugs through the identification of disease-relevant druggable targets, with a special emphasis on translation to the clinic and commercialization.

  • Melina R. Kibbe, MD, FACS, FAHA

    James Carroll Flippin Professor of Medical Science, Dean of the School of Medicine and Chief Health Affairs Officer, UVA Health Professor of Surgery and Professor of Biomedical Engineering
    Portrait of Melina Kibbe, Dean of the UVA SChool of Medicine

    Nationally known in the field of vascular surgery, Melina R. Kibbe, MD, began her five-year appointment as UVA School of Medicine’s Dean and Chief Health Affairs Officer in September 2021. Her lab develops novel therapies for patients with vascular disease while simultaneously studying the mechanism of how these therapies impact the vascular wall.

  • Kelsey Kubelick, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Kelsey Kubelick Headshot

    Kelsey Kubelick leverages light, sound, nanoconstruct design and cellular engineering strategies to develop advanced theranostic imaging platforms. With a special interest in ultrasound and photoacoustics, her lab creates imaging tools that play a critical role in informing, guiding and enhancing therapies across a range of biomedical applications.

  • Matthew J. Lazzara

    Professor of Chemical Engineering Professor of Biomedical Engineering Member, UVA Cancer Center
    Currently Recruiting
    Matthew J. Lazzara Headshot

    Work in the Lazzara Lab employs a combination of experimental and computational methods to study problems in cell signaling, the complex biochemical process cells use to make decisions.

  • Merry Mani, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Radiology and Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering
    Portrait of Merry Mani, PhD

    Merry Mani, PhD, is advancing our understanding of the human brain through innovative imaging.

  • Craig H. Meyer, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering Professor, Radiology and Medical Imaging
    Currently Recruiting
    Craig Meyer develops magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for rapid acquisition and processing of image data in the setting of cardiovascular disease, neural diseases, and pediatrics, using tools in physics, signal processing, image reconstruction, and machine learning.
  • Kristen Naegle, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and the Center for Public Health Genomics
    Currently Recruiting
    Kristen Naegle

    Kristen Naegle uses data- and computational-driven approaches to predict, and experimental approaches to test, the regulation and function of tyrosine phosphorylation in complex networks.

  • Jason Papin, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor
    Currently Recruiting
    Jason Papin headshot photo

    Jason Papin, Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, develops computational models of cellular networks and performs experiments to characterize biological systems relevant to human disease. After his training in Bioengineering at University of California, San Diego, Jason Papin joined the faculty at University of Virginia in 2005.

  • Shayn Peirce-Cottler, Ph.D.

    Professor and Chair, Biomedical Engineering Harrison Distinguished Teaching Professor
    Currently Recruiting
    Shayn Peirce-Cottler headshot

    Shayn Peirce-Cottler develops computational models and combines them with wet lab experiments and machine learning to study how tissues heal after injury and to develop new therapies for inducing tissue regeneration.

  • Rebecca Pompano

    Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering
    Rebecca Pompano headshot
    Dr. Pompano's research interests center on developing microfluidic and chemical assays to unravel the complexity of the immune response and inform new immunotherapies. Her lab combines unique expertise in bioanalytical chemistry, microfluidics, bioengineering, and immunology to create…
  • Richard J. Price, Ph.D.

    Nancy and Neal Wade Professor of Engineering & Applied Science Professor, Biomedical Engineering Co-Director of the UVA Focused Ultrasound Cancer Immunotherapy Center
    Currently Recruiting
    Richard J. Price Headshot

    Dr. Price's research program centers on the development and implementation of image-guided drug and gene delivery systems for treating cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Gustavo Kunde Rohde, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Gustavo Rohde headshot photo

    Dr. Rohde develops computational predictive models with applications in pathology, radiology, systems biology, and mobile sensing.

  • Jeff Saucerman, Ph.D.

    Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Jeff Saucerman Headshot

    Jeff Saucerman, PhD, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, combines computational models and high-throughput experiments to discover molecular networks and drugs that control cardiac remodeling.

  • Evan Scott, Ph.D.

    Thomas A. Saunders III Family Jefferson Scholars Foundation Distinguished University Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Evan Scott headshot
    Scott, renowned for his groundbreaking work in nanotechnology to address cancer, glaucoma, heart disease, and other conditions, is poised to join the Biomedical Engineering Department at UVA. He leads the Institute for Nanoscale Scientific and Technological Advanced Research (nanoSTAR…
  • Natasha Diba Sheybani, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery (by courtesy) and Radiology & Medical Imaging (by courtesy) Research Director, UVA Focused Ultrasound Cancer Immunotherapy Center
    Currently Recruiting
    Natasha Diba Sheybani

    Dr. Sheybani leads a translational research program centered on innovating tools and paradigms for non-invasive precision cancer management.

  • Jennifer L. West

    Dean, University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science Saunders Family Professor of Engineering Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    Headshot of Dean Jennifer L. West

    Dean West is a transformational researcher, award-winning teacher and mentor, inventor, and entrepreneur. Her research focuses on the use of biomaterials, nanotechnology and tissue engineering, applying engineering approaches to studying biological problems and solving unmet medical needs, particularly in the fight against cancer. 

  • Aidong Zhang

    Thomas M. Linville Professor Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Data Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Aidong Zhang Headshot

    Aidong Zhang's research focuses on developing machine learning approaches to interpretable and fair learning, concept-based learning, federated learning, and generative AI. She also works on large language models for hypothesis generations for scientific discovery.

  • Eli Zunder, Ph.D.

    Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Eli Zunder Headshot

    Eli Zunder analyzes stem cell fate using single cell mass cytometry and high-dimensional modeling of cell lineage trajectories. He received his Ph.D. in Biophysics from UCSF in 2009.