
  • Homa Alemzadeh

    Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor, Computer Science (by Courtesy)
    Currently Recruiting
    Homa Alemzadeh headshot photo

    Homa Alemzadeh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science at UVA. She is also affiliated with the UVA Link Lab, a multi-disciplinary center for research and education in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Before joining UVA, she was a Research Staff Member at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center.

  • Panagiotis Apostolellis

    Assistant Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track Computer Science
    Panagiotis Apostolellis

    Panagiotis Apostolellis is a full-time Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. He received his PhD in Computer Science & Applications from Virginia Tech in 2017.

  • Christopher L. Barrett

    Executive Director, Biocomplexity Institute Distinguished Professor in Biocomplexity, Biocomplexity Institute Professor of Computer Science, School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Christopher L. Barrett headshot

    Christopher L. Barrett is the inaugural Distinguished Professor in Biocomplexity, Executive Director of the Biocomplexity Institute, and Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. He is an interdisciplinary computational scientist who has published more than 100 research articles.

  • Nada Basit

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science (Courtesy Appointment): Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, School of Data Science
    Nada Basit

    Nada Basit is a full-time Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. She received her PhD in Computer Science from George Mason University. Her passion is teaching, and she has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in CS. Her research interests are in Computer Science education and Machine Learning.

  • Madhur Behl

    Associate Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Systems and Information Engineering Team Principal, Cavalier Autonomous Racing Cyber-Physical Systems Link Lab
    Madhur Behl Headshot

    Dr. Madhur Behl is an associate professor in the departments of Computer Science, and Systems and Information Engineering.
    He conducts research in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, and is the team principal of UVA's Cavalier Autonomous Racing team

  • Aaron Bloomfield

    Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track Computer Science
    Headshot of Aaron Bloomfield

    Aaron Bloomfield is a professor who joined the department of Computer Science in 2004. He earned his Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on computer science education, specializing in assessment systems and systems to expedite grading while increasing it's efficacy.

  • Brad Campbell

    Associate Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Headshot of Brad Campbell

    Brad is a faculty member in the Computer Science Department, the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, and the Link Lab. His group researchers and develops the next generation of low power, wireless, and secure Internet of Things systems to help make buildings and cities more sustainable.

  • Rohan Chandra

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Rohan Chandra headshot

    Rohan Chandra is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests include multi-robot navigation, human-robot interaction, and autonomous driving. The overarching goal of his robotics lab is to design algorithms and systems that enable robots to navigate among humans, like humans.

  • Chen Chen

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Chen Chen Headshot

    Chen Chen is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. Before that, she was a Research Assistant Professor at Biocomplexity Institute at UVA and a software engineer at Google.

  • Yue Cheng

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science Assistant Professor, Data Science
    Research interests include: Distributed and storage systems, Cloud Computing, High-performance Computing, Operating Systems Yue Cheng holds a dual appointment as an Assistant Professor in the School of Data Science and in the Department of Computer Science. Prior to joining UVA in…
  • Zezhou Cheng

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Zezhou Cheng Headshot
    Research interests include: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, AI for Science Zezhou Cheng is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests include computer vision, machine learning, and their applications to ecology, material…
  • James Cohoon

    Associate Professor, Computer Science, Emeritus
    James Cohoon

    Jim Cohoon has co-authored several programming language textbooks. His research interests are swarm algorithms and models, probabilistic search, routing, and Computer Science education and broadening participation. He is a former Fulbright Scholar and winner of the IEEE Computer Science Taylor L. Booth Education Award.

  • Hadi Daneshmand

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    image of man wearing glasses and smiling
    Before joining UVA, I was a postdoctoral researcher at FODSI, jointly hosted by MIT and Boston University. I completed my PhD in computer science at ETH Zurich. I am developing theoretical guarantees for deep neural networks and studying their mechanisms. While deep nets are often…
  • Shivani Datar

    Lecturer, Computer Science
    Shivani Datar headshot
  • Jack W. Davidson

    Professor, Computer Science Director, Cyber Defense Program of Study
    Jack Davidson headshot photo

    Jack W. Davidson is a Professor of Computer Science at UVA. He joined in 1981 after receiving his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Arizona. His research interests include compilers, computer security, programming languages, computer architecture, and embedded systems. He is the principal investigator on several ongoing grants.

  • Craig Dill

    Emeritus Lecturer, Academic General Faculty, Computer Science
    Craig Dill has been a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia since 2016.
  • Afsaneh Doryab

    Assistant Professor, Systems and Information Engineering Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Headshot of Afsaneh Doryab

    Afsaneh Doryab's research is at the intersection of ubiquitous computing, AI, HCI, and health. She works on computational modeling of human behavior (incl. Activity Recognition) from data streams collected via mobile, wearable, and embedded sensors. 

  • Sandhya Dwarkadas

    Walter N. Munster Professor and Chair Department of Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Sandhya Dwarkadas

    Her research lies at the intersection of computer hardware and software with a particular focus on support for parallelism.

  • Matthew B. Dwyer

    Robert Thomson Distinguished Professor Computer Science
    Matthew D

    Matthew B. Dwyer is the Robert Thomson Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia.

  • Sebastian Elbaum

    Professor of Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Sebastian Elbaum

    Sebastian Elbaum is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research aims to build dependable systems through domain-specific analysis techniques.  He is an ACM Fellow and an IEEE Fellow. I am a founding member of the LESS Lab.  

  • David Evans

    Professor of Computer Science
  • Farzad Farnoud

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    headshot of Farzad
    Research interests: Information and Coding Theory, Stochastic Modeling, Machine Learning, Bioinformatics Farzad Farnoud is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia. Previously, he was…
  • Lu Feng

    Associate Professor, Computer Science, Systems & Information Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Lu Feng is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. She is also a member of the Link Lab - the center of research excellence in Cyber-Physical Systems. Her research focuses on assuring the safety and trustworthiness of cyber-physical systems, with…
  • Matheus Venturyne Xavier Ferreira

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
  • Ferdinando Fioretto

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Ferdinando Fioretto Headshot

    Ferdinando Fioretto works on machine learning, optimization, differential privacy, and fairness. He is a recipient of the Amazon Research Award, the NSF CAREER award, the Google Research Scholar Award, the Caspar Bowden PET award, the ISSNAF Mario Gerla Young Investigator Award, the ACP Early Career Researcher Award, and several best paper awards.

  • Tom Fletcher

    Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor, Computer Science
    Tom Fletcher headshot
    Tom Fletcher is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering as well as the Department of Computer Science. He received his B.A. degree in Mathematics at the University of Virginia in 1999. He received an M.S. in Computer Science in 2002 followed by…
  • Mark Richard Floryan

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science
    I focus on computer science education and the ways in which computing can improve education more generally. I teach core computer science courses (e.g., Data Structures, Algorithms) as well as electives related to my field (e.g., Game Design, Artificial Intelligence, HCI). As a…
  • Geoffrey C. Fox

    Professor, Computer Science Biocomplexity Institute
    Headshot of Geoffrey Fox

    Geoffrey C. Fox received a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University, where he was Senior Wrangler. He is now a Professor in the Biocomplexity Institute & Initiative and Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia, and is currently active in the Industry consortium MLCommons/MLPerf.

  • Andrew Grimshaw

    Professor Emeritus, Computer Science
    Headshot of Andrew Grimshaw

    Andrew Grimshaw is the chief designer and architect of Mentat and Legion. In 1999 he co-founded Avaki Corporation, and served as its Chairman and Chief Technical Officer, until 2005 when Avaki was acquired by Sybase. In 2003 he won the Frost and Sullivan Technology Innovation Award.

  • Wajih Ul Hassan

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science, School of Data Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Wajih Ul Hassan Headshot

    Wajih Ul Hassan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2021. His research interests are broadly in systems security, threat detection, and forensic investigation

  • Seongkook Heo

    Alfred Weaver Career Enhancement Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Headshot of Seongkook Heo
    Research interests include: Human-Computer Interaction, Interaction Techniques, Novel Sensing Techniques, Haptics Seongkook Heo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests span across the areas of Human-Computer…
  • Thomas B. Horton

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track Associate Department Chair
    Thomas B. Horton

    After growing up in Tennessee and completing my PhD in Scotland, I taught for 13 years at Florida Atlantic University.

  • John R. Hott

    Assistant Professor Academic General Faculty Teaching Track, Computer Science
    John R. Hott
    John Hott is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He earned is Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Virginia, and his BS in Computer Science and Mathematics and MS in Computer Science at the College of William and Mary. His research focuses on…
  • Tariq Iqbal

    Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering, Computer Science
    Tariq Iqbal
    My research focuses on building robotic systems that can fluently coordinate and collaborate with people in complex human environments - for example, in a factory setting in close proximity with people. In order to successfully act within a group, a robot must be able to perceive and…
  • Yangfeng Ji

    William Wulf Career Enhancement Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Yangfeng Ji
    Research interests include: Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning Yangfeng Ji joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia in 2018. He received his PhD from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016. From Aug. 2016 to Jul. 2018, he was a…
  • Adwait Jog

    Associate Professor, Computer Science Anita Jones Faculty Fellow
    Currently Recruiting
    Adwait Jog Headshot

    His research interests lie in the broad area of computer architecture and systems. Jog's research has consistently been published at premier IEEE/ACM computer systems and architecture venues and funded by several agencies such as NSF and Google. He is a senior member of both IEEE and ACM.

  • Anita Jones

    University Professor Emerita
    Headshot of Anita Jones

    Anita Jones received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie-Mellon University in 1973. She left CMU as an Associate Professor when she co-founded Tartan Laboratories. She was vice-president of Tartan from 1981-87. In 1988 she joined UVA as a Professor and the Chair of the Computer Science Department. She is an ACM Fellow, an IEEE Fellow.

  • Henry Kautz

    Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Henry Kautz Headshot
    Henry Kautz a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. From 2018 to 2022 he served as Division Director for Information & Intelligent Systems (IIS) at the National Science Foundation, where he led the National AI Research Institutes program. He was the founding…
  • Samira Khan

    Associate Professor, Computer Science
    Samira Khan headshot
    Research interests include: Computer Architecture, Grid/Cloud/High-performance Computing, Programming Languages and Compilers I am an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at University of Virginia (UVA), where I lead the research group ShiftLab . Before joining UVA…
  • Arohi Khargonkar

    Lecturer, Computer Science
    Headshot of Arohi Khargonkar
  • Hyojoon Kim

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Hyojoon Kim Headshot

    Hyojoon Kim serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests lie in computer networks and distributed networked systems, with a specific focus on in-network computing, programmable networks, software-defined networking, network measurement, and network security.

  • Yen-Ling Kuo

    Anita Jones Faculty Fellow Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    ​Research interests include: Robot Learning, Human-AI/Robot Interaction, Artificial Intelligence ​​Yen-Ling Kuo is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science and a member of the Link Lab at the University of Virginia. Her research interests lies in the intersection of artificial…
  • Yonghwi Kwon

    Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Yonghwi Kwon headshot
    Visiting Assistant Professor. My research interests include software systems security (i.e., securing software to prevent cyber attacks), cyber forensics (i.e., recovering cyber forensic evidence from data/programs), and software engineering (software testing and reverse engineering).
  • Jundong Li

    Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Primary) Assistant Professor, Computer Science (Secdonary) Assistant Professor, Data Science (Secdonary)
    Currently Recruiting
    Jundong Li Headshot

    Li's research interests are generally in AI, Data Mining, and Machine Learning. As a result of his research work, he has published over 150 papers in high-impact venues. He has won several prestigious awards, and his work is supported by NSF, DOE, ONR, JP Morgan, Netflix, Cisco, and Snap.

  • Felix Xiaozhu Lin

    William Wulf Faculty Fellow Associate Professor, Computer Science
    headshot of Felix

    Felix Xiaozhu Lin joined the Department of Computer Science as an associate professor in August 2020. Prior to his appointment at UVA Engineering, Lin was a tenured associate professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University.

  • Wei-Kai Lin

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Wei-Kai Lin headshot

    I am interested in Cryptography, Algorithms, and in general Theoretical Computer Science. My current research focuses on accessing large data efficiently and privately. My results cover Oblivious Random Access Machines (RAM), Private Information Retrieval, and Fully Homomorphic Encryption for RAM programs.

  • Yan Long

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science (starting July 2025)
    Currently Recruiting
    image of man wearing black shirt and smiling
    Yan Long will join the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia in July 2025. His research is mainly in the area of embedded systems security with a focus on protecting the security and privacy of analog and digital sensing in various forms of cyber-physical…
  • Chang Lou

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Headshot of Chang Lou

    Chang Lou is a tenure-track assistant professor in Department of Computer Science at University of Virginia. His research interests are distributed systems, operating systems, and cloud computing. His work centers on improving system reliability and availability. 

  • Mohammad Mahmoody

    Associate Professor, Computer Science
    Mohammad Mahmoody headshot

    Mohammad Mahmoody's research interests include cryptography, adversarial learning, computational complexity.

  • Madhav Marathe

    Professor, Computer Science Distinguished Professor in Biocomplexity, Biocomplexity Institute Division Director, Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing Division, Biocomplexity Institute
    Madhav Marathe is an endowed Distinguished Professor in Biocomplexity, Director of the Network Systems Science and Advanced Computing (NSSAC) Division, Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative, and a tenured Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. Dr. Marathe is a…
  • Worthy Martin

    Associate Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Acting Director, Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
    portrait wortrhy martin
    Research interests include: Human Machine Interface, Computer Graphics and Vision, I began my career in "dynamic scene analysis", a subarea of computer vision and image processing. In the last several years I have been associated with "digital humanities" scholars at UVa and elsewhere…
  • Paul "Will" McBurney

    Assistant Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science
    Research interests include: CS Education, Software Engineering, Software Maintenance and Evolution Paul "Will" (call him Will) McBurney has been teaching Computer Science courses for over 9 years at 4 different institutions, University of Virginia, University of Pennsylvania…
  • Yu Meng

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Yu Meng headshot
    Research interests include: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining Yu Meng received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2023, where he worked with Jiawei Han. Prior to joining UVA, he was also a visiting…
  • Briana Morrison

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Brianna Morrison Headshot

    A university educator with over 20 years experience, Prof. Morrison researches Computing Education by exploring cognitive load theory within programming and broadening participation in computing. She has a PhD in Human-Centered Computing from Georgia Tech, a master's in CS, and a BS in Computer Engineering. Director of Computing Education Center.

  • Denis Nekipelov

    Associate Professor of Economics and Computer Science (by Courtesy)
  • N. Rich Nguyen

    Assistant Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science
    N. Rich Nguyen headshot
    Research interests include: Biological Image Analysis, Machine Learning, CS Education Innovation
  • Angela Orebaugh

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science
    Headshot of Angela Orebaugh

    Angela Orebaugh is an Associate Professor in the Engineering School's Computer Science Department. Her teaching and research blends keeping us safe and secure in the cyber world with a passion for promoting mindful, intentional, engagement with technology.

  • Raymond Pettit

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Department of Computer Science
    Raymond Pettit headshot

    Raymond Pettit's interests include Metacognition in Novice Programmers, Gender Issues in CS Courses, Automated Assessment Tools for Programming, Programming Error Messages, CS1, CS2, and Programming Languages

  • Upsorn Praphamontripong

    Associate Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science
  • Yanjun Qi

    Associate Professor, Computer Science Adjunct Faculty, Data Science Institute Adjunct Faculty, School of Medicine Center of Public Genomics
    Yanjun Qi headshot
    Yanjun Qi is an Associate professor (tenured) of the University of Virginia, Department of Computer Science since 2013. She was a senior researcher in the Machine Learning Department at NEC Labs American, Princeton, NJ from July 2008 to August 2013. Her research interests are within…
  • Kun Qian

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Kun Qian is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. He is also a member of the Link Lab. Before joining UVA, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California San Diego. He received his Ph.D. and B.E. from Tsinghua…
  • Charles Reiss

    Assistant Professor Academic General Faculty Teaching Track, Computer Science
    Charles Reiss Headshot

    Charles Reiss is an Assistant Professor, specializing in computer systems-related topics.Before joining UVa, he received in PhD from Berkeley, developing systems to analyze memory requirements in analytics systems like Apache Spark.

    Research interests include:

    Computer Science Education, Computer Science Systems.

  • Robert J Ribando

    Associate Professor Emeritus
    headshot ribandi
    After purchasing his first home PC in the early 1980’s, Bob soon realized that the education of engineers could never be the same, and resolved to be a leader in that change. He received plenty of encouragement while teaching regularly in the Commonwealth Graduate Education Program…
  • Dr. Gabriel Robins

    Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
    Headshot of Gabriel Robins

    Professor Gabriel Robins earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UCLA in 1992, where he received an IBM Fellowship and a Distinguished Teaching Award.

  • Daniel J. Rosenkrantz

    Distinguished Professor, Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative, Computer Science (by Courtesy)
    Daniel J. Rosenkrantz Headshot

    Dr. Daniel J. Rosenkrantz is a Distinguished Institute Professor with the Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative at the University of Virginia. He has made fundamental contributions to many areas of computer science including formal languages, theory of computation, etc and is listed in notable “Who’s Who” lists for his many scientific achievements

  • Haiying Shen

    Associate Professor, Computer Science Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (By Courtesy)
    Haijing Shen headshot photo

    Before joining UVA as an Associate Professor in 2016, Haiying Shen received her B.S. degree from Tongji University, China in 2000, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Wayne State University in 2004 and 2006. In addition to teaching, she is an Associate Editor for the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) and the IEEE Networking Letters (NL).

  • Mark Sherriff

    Professor, Academic General Faculty, Teaching Track, Computer Science Associate Department Chair, Computer Science
    Mark Sherriff

    Prof. Sherriff serves as Associate Department Chair and Director of the BSCS degree program. Teaching Interests: Software Engineering, Computer Game Design, Mobile Application Development.  Research Interests: CS Education, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Game Design and Gamification

  • Kevin Skadron

    Harry Douglas Forsyth Professor of Computer Science
    Kevin Skadron

    Kevin Skadron research interests include, Computer Architecture, Hardware Acceleration, Near-data/in-memory Processing, Automata Processing, High-Performance Computing, Low Power Design, and Hardware Support for Debugging.

  • Mary Lou Soffa

    Owens R. Cheatham Professor of Sciences Emerita
    Mary Lou Soffa

    Mary Lou Soffa is the Owen R. Cheatham Professor of Sciences in the Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia, serving as the Department Chair from 2004 to 2012.

  • Sang Son

    Emeritus Professor of Computer Science
    portrait son song
    Sang Hyuk Son is IEEE Fellow and Department Chair of Information and Communication Engineering at DGIST. He has been a Professor of Computer Science Department at the University of Virginia, and WCU Chair Professor at Sogang University. He received the B.S. degree in electronics…
  • John A. Stankovic

    BP America Professor Emeritus Director Emeritus of the Link Lab
    John A. Stankovic

    Stankovic has h-index of 125 and over 68,500 citations. He was awarded the IEEE Simon Ramo Medal. He has two test of time paper awards, nine Best Paper awards, and eleven Best Paper runner up awards. He has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of York, U.K. He is the Emeritus BP America Professor in the Computer Science dept.

  • Richard Stearns

    Distinguished Institute Professor, Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative, Computer Science (by Courtesy)
    Richard Stearns headshot
    Research Interests: Computational complexity, Automata theory, Analysis of algorithms, Discrete dynamical systems, Game theory Dr. Richard Stearns is a Distinguished Institute Professor with the Biocomplexity Institute and Initiative at the University of Virginia. He has made…
  • Derrick Stone

    Senior Lecturer, Computer Science Academic General Faculty
    profile photo of derrick stone

    With love for the art of programming and three decades of industry experience in software engineering, I am interested in helping students understand theory and implementation.

  • Kevin Sullivan

    Associate Professor
    Kevin Sullivan

    Kevin Sullivan obtained his background in computer science from Tufts University (1987), working most closely with David Krumme, and in graduate school at the University of Washington, working with David Notkin (MS, 1994, PhD, 1994).

  • Yixin Sun

    Anita Jones Career Enhancement Assistant Professor, Computer Science Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Currently Recruiting
    Yixin Sun Headshot
    Research interests include: Network Security and Privacy, Routing Security, Anonymity Systems, Network Attacks and Defenses I am broadly interested in network security and privacy. I joined the Department of Computer Science in January 2020 as Assistant Professor, as well as the…
  • Yuan Tian

    Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Visiting Assistant Professor. Research interests include: Security and Privacy, Cyber-Physical System, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction My research interests involve security and privacy and its interactions with system, networking, machine learning, and human-computer…
  • Ashish Venkat

    William Wulf Career Enhancement Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Headshot of Ashish Venkat

    Ashish Venkat is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia, where he joined after obtaining a Ph.D. from UC San Diego. His work has been published at top-tier venues such as ISCA, MICRO, ASPLOS, HPCA, IEEE S&P, and USENIX Security, and has received funding from NSF, DARPA, SRC, and Inte

  • Anil Vullikanti

    Professor, Computer Science, University of Virginia Biocomplexity Institute
    Headshot of Anil Vullikanti

    Anil Vullikanti is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and the Biocomplexity Institute. His research interests are randomized algorithms, combinatorial optimization, distributed computing, dynamical systems and network science, machine learning, and AI, and their applications to epidemiology, public health, and modeling.

  • Tianhao Wang

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Research interests include: Differential Privacy, Machine Learning Privacy
  • Wenxi Wang

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Wenxi Wang Headshot

    I completed my Ph.D. at University of Texas at Austin under the supervision of Sarfraz Khurshid. During my Ph.D., I also closely collaborated with Kenneth McMillan and Darko Marinov. Prior to my Ph.D., I earned an MPhil (a research master's degree) from University of Melbourne, where I was supervised by Harald Søndergaard and Peter J. Stuckey.

  • Hongning Wang

    Visiting Associate Professor, Computer Science
    Hongning Wang headshot
    Visiting Associate Professor. Research interests include: Machine Learning, Text Mining, Information Retrieval, Computational Statistics and Simulation/Statistical Modeling, Stochastic Modeling Hongning Wang received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science at University of…
  • Alfred C. Weaver

    Emeritus Professor of Computer Science Chair, Faculty Senate (2017-18) Founding Director, Applied Research Institute
    Headshot of Alfred C. Weaver

    Alf Weaver received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois in 1976. He joined the University of Virginia in 1977 and is now Professor of Computer Science, Chair of the UVA Faculty Senate, and Founding Director of UVA’s Applied Research Institute, where he is working with projects related to national security. 

  • Chen-Yu Wei

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Chen-Yu Wei

    Chen-Yu Wei is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science department at the University of Virginia. Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Research Fellow at the Simons Institute. His research focuses on fundamental problems in interactive decision making and reinforcement learning.

  • David Wu

    Visiting Professor, Computer Science
    Research interests include: Applied and Theoretical Cryptography, Computer Security David Wu received his PhD in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2018 and in January 2019 joined the University of Virginia as an Assistant Professor.
  • Jing Yang

    Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor of Computer Science (by courtesy)
    Currently Recruiting
    Jing Yang
    Dr. Yang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Virginia, with a secondary appointment (by courtesy) in the Department of Computer Science. Previously, She was an Assistant and then tenured Associate Professor at the…
  • Zhe Zeng

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science (starting July 2025)
    Image of woman smiling
    Zhe Zeng will join the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia in 2025. Prior to that, she was a Faculty Fellow in the Computer Science Department at New York University, working with Andrew Gordon Wilson. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the…
  • Shangtong Zhang

    Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Shangtong Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. Prior to joining UVA, he received his DPhil degree at the University of Oxford, MSc degree at the University of Alberta, and BSc degree at Fudan University. The goal of his…
  • Aidong Zhang

    Thomas M. Linville Professor Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, and Data Science
    Currently Recruiting
    Aidong Zhang Headshot

    Aidong Zhang's research focuses on developing machine learning approaches to interpretable and fair learning, concept-based learning, federated learning, and generative AI. She also works on large language models for hypothesis generations for scientific discovery.